Gotta get all the flavor outta dat ass.
Really though. They had all day to do that. “GO TO SLEEP” even with a foam mattress that doesn’t shake that is annoying as hell.
Gotta get all the flavor outta dat ass.
Really though. They had all day to do that. “GO TO SLEEP” even with a foam mattress that doesn’t shake that is annoying as hell.
My cat has loud sex (he meows loudly) with his favorite stuffed animal when we go to bed. He's neutered.
We call it "glopping"
I am in a room with my dad. No problems like that. All I hear is snoring. I could launch a firework in the room, you would barely hear it.
Jokes on you I don't have a pet
Even a plant flipping too hard from the fan has me feeling the same
I have a xoloitzcuinti. The lack of teath and the no fur makes the nightly licking sessions intensely slurpy
Why does it have no teeth?
Same genes that makes some breeds hairless also has an impact on dental health. My Powderpuff (hairy Chinese Crested) has good teeth but they're known for have teeth issues because most of the breed is hairless.
It's actually kind of calming for me.