Never mess with Rudeus after he touches the divine item. Praise the Roxy pantsu
Anime is hand-drawn and computer animation originating from Japan.
Anime; the one thing that gets us closer to each other and brings us together.
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That damned panties again lol
Another excellent episode. Great animation as always. Rudeus can't quite move on but he made some friends.
WN difference
I think rudeus couldn't use healing magic chantless.
That's correct. The anime mostly don't remind you constantly about things. That is something I like about the show and that there are more details in it I don't see during the first time watching it.
Love the storytelling and pace of this show
The episode was good, but felt a bit rushed on some parts, like the rescue fight
To me, the rescue showed how much he was still 'suffering' and that when he meant business.... He took no prisoners and absolutely wrecked them
I agree.
After S1, I read quite far ahead in the LN. This is the first anime that I have prior knowledge for, and it’s kinda strange. I like what they did with S2E0, which skimmed down and simplified things in a way I thought was reasonable. And I really like the relatively minor changes they made with S2E1. It really focused on the important things and didn’t get too lost in detail.
But with this episode, there was quite a lot of detail and pacing that was lost because they went through events so quickly. The snow drakes section was a lot simpler, but I think got to the important moments well. But the rescue scene, there was quite a lot more detail that was skipped, especially after discovering Sara and trying to rescue her. It felt much more dramatic. Instead, they basically showed it mostly as an easy cakewalk for Rudeus, which I guess works okay for how strong he is, but it wasn’t that simple in the LN. I think I preferred the higher excitement and drama of drawing it out a bit. But then it wouldn’t have fit into one episode, so that’s probably why it was cut.
Still loved the episode and really loving the animation this season. Glad it’s not dropping quality much from S1.
This season seems to be a lot more matured than the last. The pacing is comfortable, which makes the action scenes pop out that much more. Really loving the way magic has been animated, too.
Another great episode. The way rudeus uses his holy item always cracks me up. I also really liked the way they resolved the conflict between the party leaders
WTF He even made a shrine for the divine item. Bro really be starting a religion out of this.
Loved the Sol guy's lampshade hanging over Rudy's suffocating attitude throughout the beginning. It's time he gets over it already, he didn't suffer as much before even when he was teleported, beaten, imprisoned, berated and literally killed. His sensitivity is rather inconsistent and unpredictable.