They went from, ‘That’s stupid. We're not doing that," to "That’s stupid but okay," so fucking fast.
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"That's stupid but okay" is a very valve thing.
I've played TF2.
Their view of "what? No that's silly" struck me as very odd.
Perhaps Valve might be several people with different opinions wearing a trench coat.
But okay.
I get it from their perspective, featuring dwarves in a game doesn’t really help others find similar games in the same vein. On the other hand, they have a tag for pirates and Black Flag differs quite a bit from puzzle pirates.
Alright, I'll ask the obvious follow-up question: do they have a tag for ninjas?
Because the team behind Deep Rock Galactic asked their community to start using it to show demand. And apparently they listened.
And Dwarf Fortress
It was a fake "controversy" to draw sales and engagement.
But by pretending to make scene they just gave themselves and two other companies a shit ton of marketing and people talking about it.
Its always about the money, they found a way to make a few dollars out of nothing.
I mean, that's how it should be.
If a mass amount of people want a trivial thing that doesn't harm anybody else, even if you disagree with it, why not?
Lmao that happened so fast. Deep rock galactic and dwarf fortress teaming up really worked!
Rock and Stone
We fight for rock and stone!
Did I hear a Rock and Stone!?
Rock and stone brother
See? Valve does listen to its customers.
I for one went and marked 100% of my dwarf games with the custom title yesterday.
Glad to see that now that I helped, they're gunna change it
How many dwarf games could there really be?
Is there an entire genre that I'm unaware of?
More than you would think...
The biggest two that pop into my head are Deep Rock Galactic, and Dwarf Fortress.
Both amazing games btw
Thoses were the ones that actually campaigned for the tag.
For rock and stone!
In Warcraft 2 you can get dwarves and they make things asplode. That is all.
Seems like a short headline.
Short headline, but goes deep.
Too deep, some might say 🔥
Strike the earth
So basically this means there is a significant demographic of gamers that will play a game largely because it features dwarves?
Im sorry, I missed all the fuss about this.
I guess look forward to Dwarf Cart Racing and Dwarf Chess and Dwarf MilSim Tac Squad.
I was gonna say A Dwarf And His Horse but uh... well maybe it would work with dwarf horses. Thats probably got some appeal.
Big win for gamers
Okay... Thanks for the update.
LOL right? Like.. neat. Cool that it finally got this random tag... Seems like a slow news cycle for gaming.
OOTL: Can I get a summary?
they rejected the request of Deep Rock Galatic and Dwarf Fortress to add a dwarf tag, the two teamed up on a co marketing campaign to get the decision reversed, Steam acquiesced.
What next? A tag for elves? A tag for tieflings? What a slippery slope!
I'd never support a tag for pointy eared leaf lovers that's going to far
As far as I've gathered Valve "accidentally" created the elf tag instead when the dwarf tag campaign happened. When someone noticed they went "oh, whoopsie, hehe" and added the dwarf tag too. So elf should also be a tag now.
I think they could have solved a twitter protest buy going with dwarves instead.
lmao that was so fast. Lets goooooo