I love how their second recommendation for people new to fantasy is The Simarillion. I mean, this is a pretty terrible flowchart in general, but jeezus
Anything related to the fantasy genre
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Iirc Stardust does, in fact, have pirates. This chart is lying to you! Airship Pirates are pirates too
Airship pirate awareness!
The Guns Above by Robyn Bennis. Basically, what if Napoleon's engineers had access to helium? Author does a fantastic job of 'building' the airship and giving her a crew.
mfw recommending Watership Down to bunny lovers 😈
I worked my way backwards from my favorite series: Assassins Apprentice (Realm of the Elderlings) and found that the path to this series is WAY off!
"Animals more your thing?" - NO!?!?!
The main character has the deepest relationship with animals I've ever read.
He literally has a form of animal telepathy.
The series is 16 books long. If you want to make the argument that only the Fitz books count, there are nine of them...
Maybe I'm not looking hard enough but I don't see The Expanse on here.
Also no Three Body Problem. Must be outdated.
Is three body problem really that good? I was about halfway into it and just lost interest.
It's a tough read, but I thought it was worth it.
I was expecting a lot more Discworld
Discworld really should be included in the sci-fi/fantasy combination section.
I feel like 'Dune' should have been there somewhere. Maybe I'm missing it.
It's in there as The Dune Chronicles. Just a little below the middle on the right-hand side.
Liked the LOTR branch:
"I am yet unfamiliar with the your tropes, do your worst" -> LOTR -> "No, not that new" -> Silmarillion
Anyone who doesn't think the dragon is the ideal pet, can debate me here please? (Without regards to which book is selected from the answer given)
Not as cute as cats, nuff said.
That would mean waterbears are better pets than cats?
Also cuteness factor can be overcome with a dragons horde of gold, see Hugh Hefner.
Discworld dragon, LOTR dragon, or Pern Dragon?
In my head I had lotr dragon.
Well, if it's an LOTR dragon, and you're Sauron, then sure. Otherwise, good luck being charcoal.
I mean, they are not really handy to walk
So are cats! Or horses, or (theoretical as to this list and discussion) unicorns. Horses and unicorns you can ride, as you could a dragon! Riding > walking 95% p value.
Is this generated from the 2011 article I find when I search? I would love to see an updated version.
A few interesting picks and one just bleeehhhhh pick in the Drizzt series. There are ever so many better PnP based books, right off the top of my head the OG dragon lance series by Weiss and Hickman.
Also, I’m stoked that Furies of Caulderon was listed. That might be in my top three, and sadly it looks to have been abandoned by Jim Butcher.
I quite liked the rest of the Furies series. Didn't you enjoy them?
I like to see my boy John Scalzi made the list
I'm lost. How do I get to Hyperion?
Bottom middle, you'd rather not choose only sci-fi or only fantasy branch.
Big eyebrow raise at having Piers Anthony on there. Loved his books as a teen but looking back they are just gross. The Xanth books are relatively tame compared to some of his stuff but I would still never recommend them.
I love that Jonathan Strange is on there though, what a fantastic book.