As a native New Yorker I've had the 'pleasure' of watching his media circus for longer than I care to remember.
They'll have to do a lot of erasing.
Trump was talking about getting rid of NATO after going to the old Soviet Union in the 1980s.
And he took millions from the Russians.
I write about the Fairness Doctrine all the time.
Someone commented that they thought it was a terrible idea, because a Flat Earther would be given time.
People today are so used to propaganda that they can't even imagine what a level playing field looks like.
You're losing sight of the fact that he and his boss weren't elected, haven't been vetted by Congress, and have zero experience.
His name is the least of his problems.
That's why my comment was [off topic]
Look at Obama. When he went up against Hilary in 2008 no one thought he had a chance.
The problem Bernie had was that he personally couldn't do the level of organizing it would have taken. Sadly, none of his people stepped up and took the reins.
I contributed to Bernie three times, and three times I saw it sputter out.
Trump is going after senior military officers AND Social Security AND doing an end run around Congress all at once. I just hope that he doesn't have enough fingers for the dike.
All the top officers have been in the military for over 20 years. They have seen Presidents come and go, and are loyal to their fellow service people. Even if they like Trump, firing for political reasons isn't going to go down well.
Go back to cave people days.
You'd want to know if anyone heard anything dangerous in the night when you woke up, and you'd like to hear if anything interesting happened during the day before you went to sleep.
The original laws were written in broadcast days. Even if we had it today, so many people get their news from privately produced videos that there'd always be a huge number of deliberately uninformed people.