Male Fashion Advice
I don’t know
You’re not the boss of me now.
Yes, it's a classic combination. Don't wear socks with that.
I mostly think of it as something they wear in southern Europe by the Mediterranean or on hot summer days elsewhere.
However, in my opinion it looks inappropriately when worn in winter in cold places.
Thank you so much. You won't believe how hard it is to look for advice online and then finding one just to realize at the end of the article that the whole article was just an elaborate ad to make you buy stuff.
No socks and you're golden
i never understood why we've permitted a purely social construct such as fashion to determine our life choices.
wear what you want, man. be proud and confident. and be happy. don't let the world tell you what works for you.
Well I am wearing what I want. But I still value the advice of other people. Because without input from you guys I may never discover things that are unknown to me but can make a huge difference if taught to me by other people like you guys here.
Comfort way before fashion, unless doing so would contravene social norms in a place or at a time where doing so would be disadvantageous for you.
these pesky social norms are the thing with which i have a problem.
fuck social norms. who even came up with these norms anyway?
Society. I think it's an inevitable outcome of human interaction. Probably serves some purpose. I'm with you on the "wear what you want" sentiment, but be aware that how others perceive you will, consciously or unconsciously, impact how they interact with you.
@ohwhatfollyisman @Black_Gulaman
This isn't a fashion question and it's not a life choice.
It's a style question and it's a style choice.
some social constructs are enjoyable. Some people enjoy developing their taste in aesthetic fields. it's okay.
that's why this community exists. If you don't like it, I recommend you unsubscribe.
If you'd like an alternative, boat shoes would also work while being slightly dressed down compared to your loafers
I guess my shoe would be more formal. Yes I'd like to look into boat shoes for a more casual style. Thank you!
Sperry is a super popular brand for them and you can't go wrong with these
Much appreciated! Guessing brown would be the most versatile, but I'm liking the white, it's so gorgeous.
It's a good, classic look, you can absolutely rock it, just don't wear socks
Rather than no socks, get a pair of no-show socks. Especially if you'll be wearing them on multiple occasions where your feet will sweat, otherwise you'll probably get blisters and eventually your shoes will stink very badly.
Much appreciated!
God I love these top 4 responses. I'd say yes myself but you can probably trust yourself on this since your own appearance and wider aesthetic will influence this more than if these two items alone work together.