Its Elden Ring right? That's awesome!
I Made This
Did you make something? Do you want the fleeting rush of endorphins that come with affirmation from strangers? Do you think what you made is neat? Share it here!
Paintings, movies, music, drawings, models, gardens, houses, snowmen, sandcastles - if you made it, you can post it.
Some things you make are not to be shared. These include:
- Messes
- Children
- Biological... byproducts
- Bigotry
Do not be a jerk.
- No racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, classism, or bigotry of any kind.
- Don't try to sell stuff unless people ask. You can post your Etsy (or similar) if someone prompts you. No spamming self-promotion.
Indeed it is!
you don’t have the right, O you don’t have the right
In shortyou don’t have the right, O you don’t have the right
Elden Ring O Elden Ring,
Elden Ring O Elden Ring
(What are the dice made out of?)
They are metal most likely a brass alloy
Oh this is very cool. Lucky friend!
p.s. apparently it is my lot in life to hang around here letting people know about other related communities, so: ! 😉
Really nice work there.
That's pretty cool!
Hold up its really looking good