US. Fluent in English but I can speak enough spanish to do most everyday things. I am learning Japanese, and while I can read and understand about half of it, I can't pronounce shit and haven't bothered practicing since I just want to read it.
I can't help but imagine using that and seeing a headline with the Mankind/Undertaker copypasta put right in the middle.
What if you smashed them then took them home to cook and eat? 🤔
IIRC, they originally made Fallout because they couldn't use the Wasteland IP. Which is hilarious.
Not necessarily. What if you're really good at Photoshop?
Do you think traffic speeds aren't enforced? Just because they can't do it effectively because they don't have the resources or man power doesn't mean they don't try.
I want this cross over to exist. 😬
That wasn't Michele in The Avengers? I had to look up Tessa just to compare and yeah; they look almost identical.
Similarly, when Zombieland first came out, I thought Jessie was Micheal Cera. They look similar enough and basically are both cast as the shy, nerdy kid.
Easy solution: Make NV2, but call it something else. Like "Wasteland: Viva Las Vegas 3D."
I only recently started playing again specifically because I found out that all the missions in online mode that required you to be in a public lobby are now able to be ran in a private lobby. Playing in a solo lobby is basically like getting more SP story (there are story missions in GTAO; it's not all races and DM). Don't have to deal with cheaters or asshats.