I wish they also remade the original Myst in UE5.
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That game has been remade and re-released too many times. It's enough.
🎵 one more time
We're gonna click on things
Oh yeah all right
can't solve this puzzle🎶
Dear Noiselund,
This ^.
At this point I'm surprised it's not on the NES alongside Tomb Raider, Dark Seed, Super Mario World, Sonic The Hedgehog, and Final Fantasy 7, and Mortal Kombat Trilogy.... ahh... Bootlegs
Not in UE5 though.
That will not fundamentally alter the experience.
They did a UE4 version in 2021. What does UE5 have over that?
They did? I assumed the last one was realMyst, which was made in Unity.
Edit: Wow. How did this fly under my radar? https://store.steampowered.com/app/1255560/Myst/
Yeah I didn't know about it until recently either. They don't advertise it, but then they don't really need to, since it's not really something people would get into these days, only existing fans will buy it.
Also there are so many different versions at this point, it's hard to keep them apart.
Oh this is amazing!
Riven was one of the earliest games that had a huge impact on me and made me spend countless hours away from the game just daydreaming about it. I loved poking around the island looking for the hidden rebel base. I especially loved the interconnectedness of it. A lot of people talk about the experience in Dark Souls of coming out of a short cut, looking around, and saying to themselves, "Oh my god, I'm here!?!" but I first had that experience so long ago when I opened up the fish mouth and was back in the forest. Man, the level design in that game was top notch.
Is it coming to psvr2? I would play the heck out of that!
I'm glad VR games are still being made, it feels like too much of the industry gave up on it.
Well I must say I'll be looking forward to this one and i hope they'll be supporting VR.
This is cool. But 7th guest remaster when?
If you haven't seen the VR remake, take a look here.
😲 I dont have a VR headset though 😢
I've got a case of the same sads. Went ahead and wish listed it just in case.