Beautiful! And thank you for the description of the progress - it's inspiring, even though I'm far away from attempting anything like that myself at the moment.
A handmade home for woodworkers and admirers of woodworkers. Our community icon is submitted by whose father was inspired to start woodworking by Norm and the New Yankee Workshop.
I'll tell you this, I couldn't have gotten this done two years ago. I've built a lot of things over the years but very few fine woodworking projects, and last year I really started hitting it in earnest, I outfitted my backyard shed as an almost fully featured furniture shop (I can't figure how to cram in a lathe or a band saw) and started really churning things out. And each project was a learning experience. Including this one.
Do you do any woodworking?
I do some woodcarving now and then of smaller stuff like knives and cups, but I live in cities and move around a lot, so it's not all that convenient to get into proper woodworking. I did create a couple of outdoor benches once (that a friend still has on his balcony around a decade later), but they're more sturdy than they are good looking!
I recently moved into a more spacious unfurnished apartment and started a three-year contract with work, and my partner and I have been discussing maybe building some furniture for it. Nothing yet though - so far just making it liveable has been the priority. :)
You might want to see if there's a makerspace in your area open to public membership, they can be a great way to not only access tools but network with other craftsmen and take classes.
True! I'm also lucky enough to come from the countryside with a father who is an avid tool collector, so whenever I'm on holiday back home I have a lot of things available, including a lathe and a band saw. I really should make more active use of it, even though I live too far away for it to be practical to build anything big.
Looks great, I love the style
Thanks! I think I have a personal style somewhere between shaker and mission/arts & crafts starting to crystalize.
You don't think the top is too big? I drew it as 10x10 but the bottom shelf had to be 12x12 so I glued up one panel and made them both the same size. Think it works?
I think it's a good size, any smaller and it would seem off balance with the wider bottom of the shelf.
Beautiful! Thanks for sharing with us!
There it is wearing four coats of spar varnish. I'll post one last picture once it's got some plants on it.
Welcome, by the way, into the tiny garden shed into which I have crammed an almost feature complete furniture shop. I still haven't found a place to put a lathe of any useful size. Maybe I can do something different with the whole router table situation?
Looks great. How did you attach the bottom shelf?
The bottom shelf isn't actually attached at all; the legs all angling in has it captive. A couple dots of glue in the middle of the end grain sides, or a couple brads in that same location, would probably serve well enough.
Very elegant! How did you cut the tapers on the legs? There doesn't seem to be a great way to do it. I'd use the table saw with a custom jig probably.
I did use a taper jig on the table saw. Mine is made out of a 12"x48" piece of plywood with some horizontal slots and a 4"x48" piece that acts kind of like a "fence" that can be set at a variety of angles. A couple of hold-down clamps secure the work to the jig. It can cut a variety of tapers, and it can also function as a jointer for milling rough stock. If I have a piece that is significantly bowed, I can cut a lot of the bow off with my taper jig in one slice at the table saw rather than spending an afternoon wearing out my poor little jointer.