AI will kill us by increasing energy consumption when we should be reducing it. But at least scam calls are gonna be much more believable.
Big brain tech dude got yet another clueless take over at HackerNews etc? Here's the place to vent. Orange site, VC foolishness, all welcome.
This is not debate club. Unless it’s amusing debate.
For actually-good tech, you want our NotAwfulTech community
Because crypto alone wasn't enough at consuming fuckloads of energy to generate nothing of value
AI peddlers just love any "critique" that presumes the AI is great at something.
Safety concern that LLMs would go Skynet? Say no more, I hear you and I'll bring it up first thing in the Congress.
Safety concern that terrorists might use it to make bombs? Say no more! I agree that the AI is so great for making bombs! We'll restrict it to keep people safe!
It sounds too horny, you say? Yeah, good point, I love it. Our technology is better than sex itself! We'll keep it SFW to keep mankind from going extinct due to robosexuality!
TBH if the tables were turned and I thought I was able to bring upon destruction upon the executive class, I'd also be like "lol this is going to kill you all guys, you're so fucked, just wait, I'll skynet you so hard, can't happen soon enough".
Sadly I think a lot of investments are also made by pension funds etc. I do wonder after a bubble pops what the % of bagholders is that turn out to be VC types vs lesser up to date information normal people funds/investors etc.
My "executive class destruction" fantasy has a lot more literal executive action and large sharp instruments rather than financial instruments.
Whoever it is that’s going to build those machines that scare us so much, we will find him. And we will fund him.
Sneerclub tried to warn them (well not really, but some of our mockery could be interpreted as warning) that the tech bros were just using their fear mongering as a vector for hype. Even as far back as the OG mid 2000s lesswrong, a savvy observer could note that much of the funding they recieved was a way of accumulating influence for people like Peter Thiel.