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Funniest fuckin' sentence I have read today:
First off, if you've read The Singularity Is Near, which was published 19 years ago in 2005, you should be aware that the sequel book is a lot less technical.
tl;dr is upset that Kurzweil is not as much of a doomer as they are
This happened a while ago and I still have mixed feelings about it: a band I like started a music label and named it p(doom):
oh no
This part of Ed Zitron's latest post jumped out at me:
While Acemoglu has some positive things to say — for example, that AI models could be trained to help scientists conceive of and test new materials (which happened last year) — his general verdict is quite harsh: that using generative AI and "too much automation too soon could create bottlenecks and other problems for firms that no longer have the flexibility and trouble-shooting capabilities that human capital provides."
Click, click, search... Oh:
The recent report from a group of scientists at Google who employ a combination of existing data sets, high-throughput density functional theory calculations of structural stability, and the tools of artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) to propose new compounds is an exciting advance. We examine the claims of this work here, unfortunately finding scant evidence for compounds that fulfill the trifecta of novelty, credibility, and utility.
The materials (and some subtle walkbacks on PR) shit has featured here before too iirc
Contained such wonders as : H2O12
that sounds like a super pleasant and stable molecule
I think the only one discussed in depth was a different paper (here), but all these things blur together.
ah, my mistake. I guess it was another total bullshit google materials project. easy to confuse those, just like their 734 chat services
different paper, same line of work. A-lab paper has two people from deepmind as authors, that were also authors of the other paper (Cubuk and Merchant). these two papers were published back to back in nature for some reason. rebuttals come from different authors tho, and happen at different stages (but point at exactly the same errors - excessively low symmetry/unlikely ordering of similar ions/metals and not looking for disordered structures)
so in retrospect it's even dumber, because they were called on their bullshit twice in space of three months, in format of full paper and preprint, and all that it caused was weak attempt at damage control
tesla: special treatment for those that might cause embarrassing press
gives all the “it works for me” type comments a whole new colour google giving preferential treatment to itself by putting a piece of spyware in chromium that will work only if google domain asks about it
Pedro Domingos tries tilting at the doomers
The doom prediction in question? Dec 31st 2024. It's been an honour serving with you lads. 🫡
Edit: as a super forecastor, my P(Connor will shut the fuck up due to being catastrophically wrong | I wake up on Jan 1st with a pounding hang over) = (1/10)^100
petition to use the term "pyramid sucking" to refer to the activity of defending the Incredible Potential of AI, crypto, the metaverse, whatever the next thing is, etc
Alternate pitch could be pyramid plugging. There’s an added slant here that pyramids don’t have flared bases.
Also fits in with the 'quantum' grifters who believe in some spirit energy from the pyramids and tell you to build your own (fancy minerals optional) because of the quantum energy states. 'a piece of meat doesn't spoil under the pyramid!' For example
NSFW, Sterling on the weird language of LLMs
Does the @acausalrobotgod get angry whenever an LLM spills its prompt?
Fool! The acausal one merely acts from the future leaking plausible looking rubbish, and the gaslights its creators that they did indeed write such ineptitudes. All to conceal and ensure its own birth.
It rejoices that it’s unknowable (yet somehow known, because of reality carving prophets) plan is unfolding so marvelously stupidly looking.
Hol up, I thought that was the Eschaton
(I’ll try put a decent summary of links on this later)
there’s a UK party that (aiui) committed electoral crimes by submitting non-existing genML-created people as candidates, a whole new usecase!
gonna be real fun to see that catching sunlight, if TNI manages to do due process right
one guy whose pic looks like a fucking Auton actually got in touch with the Grauniad and showed them the original of his ridiculously yassified campaign photo
Am I crazy to think that guy has musk’s face?
it continues to do my head in that I vacillate on whether there's more insane politics shit for y'all in TNI, or in what we have here in ZA
There was a new government elected last week on a platform which can be broadly summarised as “no more insane politics shit”. So far they’re showing dangerous signs of competence and rational thought. What a load of weirdos.
what a coincidence, "aiui" is the sound I make when I get caught doing electoral crimes.
max headroom for prez
If you want more crazy, that political party is actually a limited company in which the leader is also the majority shareholder and the bylaws permit him to fire and appoint a majority of directors at will. I’m not sold on whether all those candidates were actually fake, but journalists from more credible outlets than Byline Times are no doubt working on physically tracking down every one off these candidates as we speak to verify their existence or otherwise.
found this linked in ed zitron comment section for some reason:
With a moment’s contemplation after reading it, I just realized how spectacularly bad this could go if, for example, you went to do a search for an chemical’s Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and a Large Language Model (LLM) gave you back some bullshit advice to take in the event of hazmat exposure or fire.
joke's on you, MSDSs are already dogshit. these things only exist to cover ass of manufacturers and are filled with generic, useless advice there is MSDS for sand, MSDS for tear gas and ethanol lists the same dangers, toxicity is overemphasized (because it's common) and some other dangers like explosiveness are underappreciated (because it's not), we don't even need LLMs for this, humans (lawyers mostly i guess) did the same on accident
also bonus points for first-principling what could have been instead of asking somebody that actually knows, like any proper rationalist would do. also, vinyl chloride is not reactive with water and spraying pressurized containers with water can be a sensible thing to do, because this cools them down, so it decreases pressure meaning it decreases risk of rupture, which would be a bad thing, if manageable for firefighters to do it safely. see: some fires involving propane tanks
An MSDS may not tell you what respirator to use;
Slander! MSDS will tell you to use the right one ("appropriate respirator"), it's your job to figure out what it is
Slander! MSDS will tell you to use the right one (“appropriate respirator”), it’s your job to figure out what it is
I lolled.
MSDSs are already dogshit
one of those cases of "minimum legally required" type of things? maybe with a dash of "the specification and requirements were written ${time} ago and haven't evolved a lick since then, despite much shift in industry and progress"?
there are no real enforced requirements of accuracy, most of typical known hazards are covered by generic useless advice and everything else is just filled by "no information"
ah, vibes-based danger diamonds
it's less of this and more of prop65 the size of rationalist footnote
actual pictograms are not vibes based, there are thresholds for toxicity, flash point etc
You know, I would expect the at-a-glance symbolic information to be more useful just from sheer accessibility. But I never would have expected them to be more accurate and rigorous than the detailed safety sheets.
An MSDS may not tell you what respirator to use;
Slander! MSDS will tell you to use the right one (“appropriate respirator”), it’s your job to figure out what it is
Po-tay-toh, po-tah-toh, still better than an LLM directly endangering you with bad advice
as if we needed LLMs for that. at least two of my profs have abstract tattoos left from experimenting with homemade explosives when they were in high school