I'm looking forward to the accounting industry's invention of a whole new framework to explain away spiraling carbon footprints.
Big brain tech dude got yet another clueless take over at HackerNews etc? Here's the place to vent. Orange site, VC foolishness, all welcome.
This is not debate club. Unless it’s amusing debate.
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there’s this type of reply guy on fedi lately who does the “well actually querying LLMs only happens in bursts and training is much more efficient than you’d think and nvidia says their gpus are energy-efficient” thing whenever the topic comes up
and meanwhile a bunch of major companies have violated their climate pledges and say it’s due to AI, they’re planning power plants specifically for data centers expanded for the push into AI, and large GPUs are notoriously the part of a computer that consumes the most power and emits a ton of heat (which notoriously has to be cooled in a way that wastes and pollutes a fuckton of clean water)
but the companies don’t publish smoking gun energy usage statistics on LLMs and generative AI specifically so who can say
I live in Ireland and these companies keep trying to build data centres here even though they are using way too much of our energy as is :)) From an Irish environmental org:
A few years ago when researching new gas power stations in Ireland, we noticed that many of these developments were being proposed alongside another type of infrastructure: data centres. [...] As of June 2023, there are 82 operational data centres in Ireland, with another 14 under construction. Additionally, 40 data centres have had planning permission approved with another 12 awaiting a decision. [...] Data centres account for 18% of all electricity use in Ireland [...] This is putting unprecedented strain on the electricity grid, with grid operator Eirgrid estimating that data centres may account for up to 27% of Ireland’s electricity demand by 2028. The Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU) in Ireland has noted a risk of rolling electricity blackouts...
I thought the Irish were always pretty good at kicking out colonialist efforts. Maybe just try the old reliable approach.
Our entire economy since the 80s has been reliant on neo-colonial relationships with multinational companies unfortunately
that is unfortunate because Ireland was my backup plan for if the US falls (half of my grandparents were citizens)
Yeah imo Ireland has never had a left-wing government, we tend towards right-populist/right centrist/neoliberal. "Stable but shit" is how I described it to my brother just this hour gone while discussing politics. We're currently seeing the beginnings of an organized racist right as well
ah yes, ireland, the land of just-close-enough to LIXP/TH(D|E)/etc but with different-enough property prices and power capabilities to make it very attractive to the discerning dc builder
(there's also some of the tax regs shit but aiui that isn't as gaping a hole as it used to be)
We're actually having a housing crisis at the moment (like everywhere else) so I dunno about property prices...I think it's the extremely receptive attitude of the Irish government.
do you have a housing crisis or do you have a landlord crisis (like how the US has 16 million vacant homes)
landlord crisis and a vulture fund crisis. don't get me started because I'll be frothing at the mouth in seconds
there’s this type of reply guy on fedi lately who does the “well actually querying LLMs only happens in bursts and training is much more efficient than you’d think and nvidia says their gpus are energy-efficient” thing whenever the topic comes up
This kind of person (also happened a lot with cryptocurrencies) always goes 'that isn't how it works, this isn't a problem' then doesn't explain what the mistake is you are supposed to have made, and then a few weeks/months/days/search later it is revealed that it was how it works and it is a huge problem. And it is so annoyingly common im very happy with the moderation here.
jeez fuck this is just reality negationism at this point
you could snipe it down with canned response like r/buttcoin does (there are only so many types of these people), and it could count as a win because reply guy isn't there to win debate, he's there to spread his propaganda, but here, it's too much effort for no gain because nobody will be swayed anyway
Your all just not seeing the bright side. It's also replacing well-paying jobs in the arts, the literary world, and in marketing.
Who wouldn't want AI to take over all of those things?
Man even you're missing the bright side.
At least an insanely tiny group of people got absurdly wealthy! Who cares the world is going to complete shit, Nvidia stock!! Nvidia stock!! It's all that matters!
I'm all for eliminating marketing jobs, but not if we still have marketing.
even more marketing than ever, and it's generated on the fly starring the likeness of your dead grandma!
A: “Why are you knitting so fast? You in a rush?” B: “I’m almost out of yarn, gotta get this sweater done before it runs out”
The author neglected to link to the actual report. Page 34 and 35. The Scope 2 stats the article cited don't account for clean power generated.
Their link for the claim "Google cited AI as the cause" doesn't mention power at all.
The link for the Microsoft numbers takes me to a report saying the 30% number is for Scope 3 emissions, which have nothing to do data center power usage.