Very cool. First time hearing about your project.
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Original /r/linux_gaming pengwing by uoou.
Yup me too . It look cool
Veloren is awesome! Its a lot of fun, but remember that it is pre-alpha!
Looks super interesting! I read the inspiration but is it a survival game at its core? Possible to play creative like Minecraft? Thanks in advance! Hope to have the time to try it down the road!
It's an action RPG more than anything else
How does Veloren compare to Minetest in maturity and other things?
Interesting. I'll download this later.
Went to look up Cubeworld again. Oh wow it released on Steam? First comment says don't play it and play Veloren instead. Thanks OP, maybe I can finally stop having the Cubeworld brain worms.
I liked the look of this project but I can not make it run on Wayland. I use Nvidia-Hyprland Arch Linux and it does not seem to want to start for me and its seems a couple of others as well. I hope this gets patched and when it does I'll definitely play it.