Nope for me it’s the other way around. Back to the open space means I’m gonna get stabbed, me facing the open space I feel safe because I have the illusion that I’m prepared to ward of attacks.
internet funeral
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤart of the internet
What is this place?
• ! with text and titles
• post obscure and surreal art with text
• nothing memetic, nothing boring
• unique textural art images
• Post only images or gifs (except for meta posts)
• no video posts are allowed
• No memes. Not even surreal ones. Post your memes on ! instead
• If your submission can be posted to ! (I.e. no text images), It should be posted there instead
This is a curated magazine. Post anything and everything. It will either stay up or be lost into the void.
Pretty much how it works for me too
no way, you don't turn your back on the monsters.
If you properly secure your sheet and/or blanket, they can't get through. You'll be lulled to sleep by the frustrated gnashing of their teeth.
The wall is behind the headboard for me. Yes, that's right, I can roll off my bed in any direction -- totally worth not being able to fit anything else in my room
If there's a headboard, how can you roll that direction?
At great cost, my friend. At great cost.
I wonder if I should give the bottom of my barrel another scraping...
that sounds like something a monster would say.
Sleeping on my right side gives me heartburn, so I choose to face the wall in this scenario. (Real thing, stomach is asymmetrical and sleeping on the correct side can help avoid acid reflux!)
It IS a real thing!!! But I was told this as a child, then remembered it backwards and always laid on my right when I was sick to my stomach. Now I have to lay on my right if I'm queasy.
What about those of us who turn like a rotisserie?
I've seen this graphic where it's just different positions of beds and anyone who puts their bed in the middle of the fucking room is damn brave. Mine is in the corner with two sides against two walls, my desk on another
I used to always face the wall but lately I've been sleeping with my back against the wall. Don't know why but it feels better.