Here's an article from CBC, instead of just a screenshot of the Toronto Star.
Fuck Cars
Your hub for collection of materials that contribute to a world with less car ownership. Including buses, motorcycles, bicycles, skateboards, longboards, scooters, hoverboards, e-scooters, pedestrians, walking, running.
- AboutHere - Videos to understand your city better. Creator is based out of Vancouver, BC.
- NotJustBikes - Stories of successful and not so successful urban planning.
- RMTransit - In-depth analysis of public transit systems around the world.
- Cycling Fallacies
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- Victoria - Capital Bike
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- Toronto - CycleToronto
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I don't think our province can just say, "we're not responsible for fatal consequences of our choices." I mean, they can SAY it...
They KNOW that they are going to kill people for their political machinations.
wait so is the bike lane removal actually going through? can we just off the fucker? he's done nothing but blow millions of taxpayer dollars on deleting projects already completed or partially completed.
It's part of Bill 212, which includes a bunch of sweetheart deals for cronies regarding his highway projects, so yeah, they're going to put it through.
I've only visited Toronto once for like three days a few years back and even I remember these streets (well, parts of them) being hugely urban with major TTC stops on each WTF do they mean no bikes
I didn't WANT to drive my car anywhere near there left it in the hotel garage
They aren't saying 'no bikes,' they are saying 'no bike lanes.' It's predicated on the mistaken impression that the bike lanes reduce the number of car lanes, and thus would slow car traffic. They would like to up the danger to bikers by having them 'take the lane' and force them to bike in the car lane. In addition to the danger to biker, it actually slows driving traffic as bikes are now in car lanes of traffic, and if any biker does get hurt, which is bound to go up, the accidents will slow traffic as well.
I should stop saying 'bike lane' and 'car lane' I suppose - the Government of Ontario has a preference that it's just a lane for everything.
I’m not one for political violence, but I hope he gets the skin of his hand pinched in a u-lock
Yo there's an instance called Guelph represent 💪
It's giving not wanting to deal with the consequences of your actions