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Atheist Memes
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Sure, it's like Russel's Teapod. Which gives me an idea for the next meme ...
the "fun" part of secular biblical research is trying to backward engineer the circumstances that create the new testament as we have it. it is far harder than it looks. the mythcist position is discarded by most serious secular scholars.
Christ before Jesus is a good book on this subject
From most like to least likely, according to academics, the hypotheses are:
- Literary device (mythical fiction)
- Impostor (Someone else pretending)
- Visions and grievance hallucinations (these happen)
- Only mostly dead (was not quite killed)
By far, the consensus is literary device, and there are even indications of stages, starting with the empty tomb and embellished by later authors.
Fake news and misinformation got us Jesus and Trump.
Great invention
Being around for free drinks is pretty on brand for actual Jesus, too.