wanting to accept crypto payments without any middlemen.
is a middleman service
This is the lemmy community of Monero (XMR), a secure, private, untraceable currency that is open-source and freely available to all.
Android (Cake Wallet) / (Monero.com)
iOS (Cake Wallet) / (Monero.com)
Instance tags for discoverability:
Monero, XMR, crypto, cryptocurrency
wanting to accept crypto payments without any middlemen.
is a middleman service
'middlemen' here implies someone holding custody of your funds before they are transferred to you and taking a cut on the received amount - both of which don't come into play here.
Cool, like a Stripe alternative for crypto?
Not exactly.
OK, so what exact service are they offering here? Someone pays Monero, it goes straight to your wallet. Want do you need to pay per transaction to them for?
You get a single handle/link to accept multiple coins under one roof + insight into billing data, all without giving up control of your funds to a third party. It costs $1 to accept a single payment under the 1st paid plan. 10 payments per month are free (if you don't have a paid plan).
Yes the benefits sound better but I mean is it something easy to integrate, easy to ship etc because most people use stripe for payments because they just want to ship things fast and everything else (btcpayserver etc) has a time consuming setup needed first
An account on Switch can be registered in less than a minute and you are good to go, since it is not self-hosted - no effort is required.
Kinda. Difference is Switch doesn't hold your funds before sending it to you. When someone pays, it goes directly to whatever wallet you have setup in Switch.
That said. Their software is not open source, so you have to trust their software is safe and sound. Because from the looks of it, if they get hacked, someone could just change your account wallet to their own and all payments would then go to them instead of you.
I don't use Switch so please take what I said with a grain of salt.