With newer mri machines we can show an inflammation in the brainstem in ME/CFS patients. Since those machines are rare, expensive and often not necessary for a dignosis we don't know a lot yet.
Rewe in central Germany got free range for 2.69€.
If I remember correctly the pressure came from credit card companies and not any government.
You are making assumptions about my stance on AI. I was making a general statement about tools. You insult me. You said that OP should maybe step away from the keyboard and think about whether it was fine to subject people to violence. I suggest you do the same.
There was no question of morality. The question was whether it worked. If we do not want violent speech to be the norm we should check that our tools do not encourage it and are protected against this exploit.
That explains it. My vegan friends love bees but consider it ethical enough to eat their products as they have an apiary at home.
Der trockene Humor der Variante "nicht so gut" hat mich stark abgeholt.
Those are thickened with starch. They are vegan as far as I know.
I got a few people around me who are trying to find a good reusable vape. Those seem to have disappeared which makes it harder to self regulate.
If anyone has a hood recommendation I am all ears.
Es gab mal eine Geschichte laut der es aus Meeresfrüchten besteht, also Oktopoden, Krabben und ähnliches. Muss man wohl entlernen, wenn man das gehört hatte.
Falsch ist linguistisch ein stares Wort. Leute benutzen täglich Worte die seltener genutzt werden. Sei es aus regionalen oder gesellschaftlichen Gründen.
Wir haben schon jetzt Worte wie Trainee, die auf einem ähnlichen Laut enden. Ich kann mir gut vorstellen, dass solche Worte im Berufsalltag nützlich sind um kurze inklusive Beschreibungen zu finden.
Gab ein paar FPDler die am Tag von Merz Abstimmung mit der AFD überraschend nicht im Raum, aber doch im Gebäude waren. Gibt auch Ehrenmenschen trotz Parteilinie.