This is the way. Sync for life, also Dev said he's thinking about a 1 time payment option.
Answer "no". Next question: "would you like to have one?"
Beautiful church! I'm in love with old stone buildings.
Akuma is a boss. Been my favorite all through my childhood.
"So Mr. Bond, you've come to bargin?"
I love to see it. Keep bringing the content and conversation, everyone! We'll make ourselves a new decentralized home.
Until Sync for Lemmy comes out, I've been using the chrome Web app via Chrome browser.
I'm appreciative that you started this community. Glad to be here!
Big things are certainly brewing around the world, and most folks are oblivious by no fault of their own. Some are just too unsettled to process this type of revelation.How each of us will react to whatever form disclosure may take will be personal to us all, but we have to remember we're all coming together in this moment.
Being from "Earth" feels more accurate than being from The USA, Russia, England, China, Korea Africa etc...
I'm sure any visitors to this planet don't/wouldn't identify as from a specific State, on their home planet, so why would we?
Buckle up, people!
Zork is my entry.