
joined 9 months ago
[–] 5 points 18 hours ago* (last edited 18 hours ago) (1 children)

I didn't follow them, as I still felt responsible for what my vote does today, but that did make many so hopeless they only saw any long term salvation in accelerationism in lieu of any other place to put their hope with two oligarch captured right-wing parties being our only "choice." I lost hope for a decent future too, but Im a sucker for the starfish parable of minimizing the current harm as much as I have the power to do, even with no rational hope of anything getting better in my lifetime.

Looks like the accelerationists of total societal collapse got their way. Timber!!!

[–] 17 points 19 hours ago* (last edited 18 hours ago)

I live in a caucus state.

Till the day I die, I will never forget sitting in a classroom during the caucuses (they use schools for the caucuses and break us up into groups for the caucus debate that's supposed to occur) as the small number of leftists made our cases for Sanders and pleaded with the Neoliberals there to ordain the DNC's chosen bribe taker to just stop and think.

Not a single neoliberal in any caucus I attended ever said a word beyond their bribe taker candidate's stock statement. They scowled at us like WE were their enemy there to inconvenience them, voted for their corrupt stooge, and left.

And I still voted for their bribe taker in the general out of harm reduction, as I did with Harris, the latest meet the Fascists in the middle let the poors die in the streets or when they get sick hey here's Liz Cheney endorsing me "good guy." We did this to ourselves. And the capitalists on Wall Street are the main villains, but we by and large had to be receptive to "well you could be rich someday too!" instead of standing with our worst off neighbors who needed help for their confidence scheme coup to work.


I phone banked on two Sanders campaigns. This didn't start with Trump or even in most of our lifetimes. Both parties, and yes most voters of both of them, would rather set the country on fire than have anything resembling economic equity or someone having their basic needs met without a subjective judgement of "deserving" it. We could have ended homelessness inexpensively at any time under any administration, we could have made prison rehabilitative, it would have literally saved the country money to invest in both, yet I've heard more Democrats and Republicans speak of such desperate populations as the problem instead of the society that put them there.

This collapse was a choice we made over and over again.

[–] 26 points 21 hours ago* (last edited 21 hours ago) (6 children)

I don't care if China steals my data or uses my router as a vector for a DOS attack at this point. My fascist nation already has domestic back doors to spy on me if I was interesting enough. My opinion of China is roughly the same as my opinion of my own red white and blue shithole, about as low as you can go. In fact, their regular people on the street seem a hell of a lot more prosocial and EMPATHETIC than I've ever seen here in the US going by Rednote. I'm on nobody's side geopolitically because nobody is on my side.

Besides, we destroyed ourselves already. Checkmate CCP! Have fun spying on the ash heap. Spoilers: we're largely poorly educated here by design, so enjoy the stream of "...evolution is just a theory science is fake education is a scam pull yourself by your bootstraps stop virtue signaling it's not greed I'm rationally self-interested... "

[–] 13 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (2 children)

I think thematically over the trilogies, it's laid on pretty thick that the Jedi beaurocracy of titles, ranks, and arbitrary rules was their downfall.

Qui-Gon was the last remnant of the Jedi as they were always supposed to be until Luke, nomads that communed with and furthered the will of the living force, who couldn't care less about being deemed a Herp derp "master." Such a title is literally kind of Sith like in its arrogance with the implication of mastery over the force rather than a humble facilitator of its will.

[–] 35 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

Scarcity is is essential to capitalism.

Many do die as capitalists literally destroy food to maintain scarcity.

I can only surmise that humans are largely happy with this arrangement, with vulnerable humans dying to maintain oligarch profit/metastasis expectations, because the global capital markets haven't been burned to the ground for their relentless and celebratory sociopathic inhumanity. 🤷

Friendly reminder, don't forget to shake your fist at your local homeless encampment on the way to work for lowering your local property values with their continued inconvenient existence!

[–] 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

I mean sure. But you aren't solving anything fighting them. They're literally the Canon fodder of the enemy. They were made, poor stupid gullible emotional bastards, to keep you busy fighting them so you never get to those who made them. That's the point. Poors fighting poors is so much easier than ankle chains and whips, more insideous than overt Jim Crowesque dictates. Trick the slaves into keeping one another down.

The head of the beast, and that is easily identifiable by net worth as I mentioned, cares exactly as much about those brown shirts lives and manufactured hatreds as you do if you have to end them: not at all.

Their skinhead army is literally cultivated by for profit media propaganda and there to absorb the bullets meant for the capitalists. Until you're aiming for the true enemy, you're playing their game.

Those capitalists wouldn't let those skinheads eat their purebread dog's organic dog food if they were dying of hunger. Unlike their useful idiots they feed hate, capitalists are only emotional about the person they love, themselves, beyond themselves, they're reptilian sociopaths. Unlike the loud brownshirts, our real enemy doesn't care about any of our lives enough to hate us. We're just capital batteries to be used up and tossed out.

[–] 7 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (3 children)

They'll be fine. They know they'll be fine. They got into politics to be bought and bought they have been, pariah leftists like Sanders and AOC who rejected the bribe checks excluded.

As always this is class warfare, with propaganda twisting it into a narrative that keeps the poors beating on each other rather than looking up.

No wealthy wife or mistress will ever lose access to abortion, no wealthy individual access to Amazing Healthcare.

That's why I pity Republican voters, useful idiots, and move on. Americans are poorly educated on purpose to be more compliant laborers, those who were average and below that couldn't rise above that became them. No capacity to think or reason critically, empathy beaten out of them by media that preyed on those that rely on emotion in lieu of problem solving skills.

As ever, the enemies aren't our more deluded fellow poors, or the well bribed middle managers in Congress. The oldest rule of finding who the real enemy is still applies: those holding the biggest ~~bag of cash~~ stock portfolio when all carnage's dust settles.

We need to do more to Wall Street than occupy it, or get comfortable, because while the capital markets exist and run the nations meant to keep them in check, nothing can improve ever.

[–] 13 points 1 day ago (2 children)

"proud of you buddy, you showed that toilet what you're made of!"

[–] 15 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Treating the Neoliberals as allies since their former opposition got them on the take in the 70s and 80s is why we're here. The right leads the charge into fascism every cycle, and their "opposition" meets them in the new middle, but with affirmation ribbons instead of scapegoats, all the while both enabling murder for profit and mass homelessness to threaten the laborers.

The Democrat party doesn't care if it loses. That's part of the grift. What it cares about is losing its half of the corpo bribe gravy train, which is why They would be treating a spoiler President like AOC the way we wish they were treating Trump.

It's all been a game of social symptom good cop/bad cop while defending the oligarchs from the needs and demands of the people they consume by stoking and magnifying social division on issues that don't effect private profits, which is why half of America generally revels in the pain of the other half. Every bully pulpit, from for profit "news" to political podiums have been demanding we hate one another for half a century, and propaganda works.

Divide and profit. We need hot revolution starting with doing so much more to the capital markets than occupy them.

Or more likely, we'll continue to submit to this Hell of greed and antisocial cruelty like cowards until the planet itself handles the problem in a couple decades. Either way, I'm glad this situation can't continue for hundreds or thousands of years.

Unchecked capitalism is always a race to fascism. Neoliberalism opens the door for fascism. Putting the wellbeing of our beloved economy aka our robber barons over human life as both parties proudly do can only lead to dehumanizion when profit/growth/metastasis expectations aren't being met. Powerless people to blame for society's suffering rather than the greed class that is responsible.

If you still think the Neoliberals are some part of anyone's salvation at this late hour, you haven't been paying attention. The reason they have extra no plan now is because their bosses the oligarchs have basically cut out their middlemen middle managers in the executive branch and are just looting the country themselves. No neoliberal is going to do a god damned thing, Trump and Musk represent their actual bosses, and they probably own some Tesla Stock.

And yeah, I voted for Harris out of harm reduction, because affirmation ribbons in oligarch hell is technically better than scapegoating in oligarch hell, and that is the extent of our "Freedom" since Reagan.

[–] 11 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

As a filthy leftist, it would certainly pwn me if they did. I would be very pwned.

Like I would cry so many tears, which are incidentally fucking delicious, if anyone were so inclined to want to drink them.

[–] 3 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Never seen a direct reply to this from a magat.

Good way go shut them up.


...To better reflect how much my country values education and commerce.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago) by to c/

Money can't buy happiness, but Elon sure did buy a lot of hair plugs.


Turns out, when the elite of society works against their own people to enrich themselves, the (rational) people realize they owe you neither trust or allegiance. Can't have it both ways.

Nothing wrong with a little competition, amirite?


Sociopath greedy fucks fucked by their own sociopathic greed pushing tech explicitly hyped to cause mass unemployment. You first, finance bros! Welcome to the "capitalist efficiency" games you were so fond of running 🤣

Turns out you made a career out of felating oligarch dick, expecting romance, but they'd rather keep your class traitor salary and kick you to the curb. Guess you chose to keep poor company.


In light of Vivek's comments that Americans don't pursue excellence, pursue excellence at reducing GDP through workplace laziness and negligence(that causes loss, not injury), anticonsumerism, and reminding others that products/services used to be better so why bother buying them new now?

"won't that effect my quality of life?"

They've been steadily reducing your quality of life, forcing 2 incomes for survival, and are literally conning and murdering you through health insurance and food safety abandonment.

Make Greed Contemptible Again.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/

Or they'll blame you for roping them into this exploitative shitshow with a side of climate apocalypse, and they'll be correct.


And no, the 6.134258 shares of Apple in your 401K don't make you an owner, lol.


At least for a few months, if we fail to turn the moment into a movement and they do it anyway.

But for today, fewer patients will be billed life ruining sums after supposedly approved life saving surgery they were entitled to. Nothing can take that away from him. He made a difference.


All I've been able to find are cherry picked words and sentences the police tell the press in both's attempts to spin it for their narratives.

Is it foolish to hope the public will get to read it in its relative entirety (a word or a name redacted is understandable, not entire paragraphs) in less than years or decades?

Legal process is a blindspot for me, I don't know what they're able to have as evidence that they can also keep from the public eye if they wish.

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