Ba ba ba dada ba ba bum, ba ba dada ba ba baaa...
I can't imagine it's much worse than Vienna sausages in that form, and someone is eating enough of those to keep them on store shelves.
DULLARD for cheat mode on SNES and I think Genesis Mortal Kombat.
Mark Twain. I don't even care if he isn't resurrected in this scenario.
True west or magnetic west?
Whatever Tom is, it's leagues beyond "wizard".
Intricate character building with multi-class synergies. Is. My. Shiiiiiit!
Small wonder I love BG3 and Owlcat's Pathfinder games.
Legolas' song about Nimrodel is in the common meter, and thus can be sung to the tune of Gilligan's Island.
Edit: Or House of the Rising Sun, if you prefer.
Well they had to after Attenborough pointed out that the original name looked like "bang bus".
George Washington Lemon Fresca
Oh, and Die Hard 1 and 3 for something in between those extremes (2 is meh, fight me).
Toast or peanut butter sandwich dipped in milk.