
joined 2 years ago

I’m moving internationally in the next few months, and am coming to realize I have never moved with plants! Is it possible to move with my plants? I imagine I have to consider things like quarantine and such, but I have a snake plant that I basically raised from the dead and have had for seven years so the idea of leaving him behind makes me all kinds of sad. Do I need to just gift them to other plant moms?

[–] 4 points 2 months ago (2 children)

Yeah, the latter is how it was explained to me. Like, literally break up with the person you love to see if they’ll fight for you to take them back. Or push them away and wait a few years to see if they magically reenter your life or something. Crazy, I think some people believe they live in a hallmark movie

[–] 67 points 2 months ago (5 children)

“If you love something set it free, if it comes back it’s meant to be.” Nearly cost me the best relationship of my life because I was a dumb, impressionable kid that believed in wise sounding words. If you love something, hold on to it. Work for it. Don’t let it go just to “see if it comes back”.

Same could probably be said for just about any seemingly wise sounding sayings.

[–] 0 points 3 months ago

I’ve read the Mistborn trilogy and the first three of the Stormlight archive. Just finished Oathbringer this morning and I cannot wait to get the next one!! I love the maps and art in the books as well. Which have you read?

[–] 4 points 3 months ago (2 children)

I’m wrapping up Oathbringer by Brandon Sanderson. Making my way through all of his books currently, it’s been a real treat! I haven’t been this excited to read books since I was a kid. Nice to see other fans around!

[–] 15 points 3 months ago (5 children)

Can’t speak for all women, but I (and I imagine some others) changed my name because I knew I’d be having kids and didn’t want there to be any confusion. Like, if I’m traveling internationally or if my kid ends up in the hospital, I don’t want one of us having to fish out a birth certificate to prove we’re both the parents. Also I’m of the percent that absolutely hated my long last name so the chance for my name to be shorter and nicer was a no brainer.

[–] 1 points 4 months ago

Another vote for WalkScape! I’m doubling my walking time since joining, and it’s feeds the “gotta chop 100 birch trees” part of my brain.

[–] 2 points 5 months ago (1 children)

Time to break out the grow lights I guess. I had no idea they could turn purple, it freaked me out! The specks on the leaves are just soil from me planting another plant next to it, just haven’t dusted it off yet. Is it okay to replant it while it’s fragile?


I have never seen anything like this? I’ve separated it from the rest of my plants, it’s the only one with this problem! Why is it purple??

[–] 1 points 6 months ago (4 children)

I believe she waters 1/2 cup every five days? She uses an app that tells her when to water things. It doesn’t appear to be spreading to other leafs, but it might be growing slowly onto the leafs that are already bothered. I just got it a week ago and haven’t noticed to rapid of a spread among the already infected leafs.

[–] 4 points 6 months ago

Some extra pictures

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by to c/

So, my mom in law left me all of her plants while she travels abroad for the next month and told me her coffee plant has been looking a little sickly and she can’t figure out why. I know absolutely nothing about this plant, but thought I would try and help heal it for her if I can while she’s away. Does anyone know what could be causing the leafs to brown? The newer leafs on top are growing fast and healthy, and the soil feels good and doesn’t have any signs of rot or infection. It’s also not in any kind of harsh light or in a dark corner, and it’s in a place where the humidity is slightly higher than the rest of the house, but not a significant amount. I’ve had it for a week now, but I can’t seem to make the lower leafs happy.

[–] 0 points 7 months ago

Ooo that sounds tasty! I’ll have to experiment as well!

[–] 0 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Peanut mush… I am unfamiliar with this? Is it like unsweetened peanut butter?

[–] 0 points 7 months ago

lol fair enough


Basically the title, I want to make baked potato soup and while I have a good vegan cheese and sour cream I like to use in other soups, I’ve never tried making such a traditionally dairy heavy soup. I have tried a coconut based heavy cream substitute, but I found it to be a bit sweet. Is there a better heavy cream sub for a more savory flavor? Or maybe the brand I bought just happened to be sweet? Any advice is welcome!


Got a little excited and accidentally picked some still green ones, but hey! First ever fruit I’ve grown! Tastes all the sweeter for it! Thanks everyone for all of your advice! I’ve got so many more still turning, I’ll have to make some blueberry cobbler once they’re all done.


Hi friends! I got some flower seeds as a gift recently, and while they say they should be planted in late May early June, I’m worried about them lacking sun in our weird unseasonal weather! It’s been completely overcast and 50s and raining constantly. I’m sharing the planting with some kids in the neighborhood, so I really don’t want them to fail… is it okay to plant them despite the abysmal conditions? They call for full sun, but I’m honestly not sure when we’ll be getting full sun again and I don’t want to plant them too late.


Thanks for the advice, everyone! My legacy blueberry plant is going strong, and my sunshine one isn’t far behind! I can’t wait to pick them, how will I know when they’re ready? I imagine they’ll need to darken in color a little bit and shed the little brown flower petal bits, right?


Hi all! I got a weeping cherry bonsai from my mom today and am really excited. I’ve always wanted to get into bonsai, but I’ve heard they are extremely difficult to care for so I’ve been a little hesitant. Well, now I’ve got one and I would very much like it to thrive. Any advice? It says it wants 8-12 hours of direct sunshine, but our yard is like a sun dial so I’ll be moving it to follow the sun throughout the day. And moist soil, should I spray the soil with spring water to saturate it? Or pour from a spout? Any advice would be helpful! I’ve only grown herbs and some fruit bushes so this is all new for me.


Basically the question above. My legacy plant growing in the same pot is doing just fine, but the Sunshine seems to be struggling. We’ve been getting a lot of rain lately so I haven’t been watering as much, is it just thirsty? Should I give it some fertilizer? I’m in Zone 8a and planted them about two weeks ago.

I’m new to growing fruits so I’m a little lost! I’ve only grown herbs and garlic before. I hope they can be saved!


Thanks for the suggestions for the tuna recipes! I just wanted to share that I made some of them and will be making more next week. So far I’ve made a few different adjustments to my onigiri, adding gochujang, kimchi or both. I also had a rice bowl topped with tuna and pickled ginger, and made my very first tuna melt with tuna, mayo, siracha and sourdough. I was going to take a picture of the melt, but it fell victim to my ravenous hunger before I could get my phone out. This pic is of the tuna, kewpie mayo and gochujang onigiri I made as I was preparing lunches for the next day. Thanks everyone for the ideas!


(Sorry in advance for the lack of proper tags, I’m not sure how to add them on mobile)

So I tend to eat a can of tuna once or twice a week, usually with just a little salt, pepper and a dab of kewpie mayo and stuffed into onigiri. Are there any spices or sauces I can add to make it more interesting? Or any other easy tuna recipes I can make for one, preferably with rice? I really enjoy spicy foods and fermented/pickled things, but I’m not sure the best ways to combine that with something like tuna.


I absolutely love all things mushrooms, particularly exploring all the edible varieties I can find and trying them! Thing is, I live in the city and am the only one in my house who eats mushrooms (no one else likes having them in the house, let alone on a plate!) so I was wondering if anyone had any advice for 1) where to find a variety of mushrooms (I mostly see Portobello and cremini) and 2) any good ways to cook or prepare mushrooms for just one person? I typically just fry them up in a skillet or add them into a stir fry after I’ve made everyone else’s plates.

I hope this doesn’t break any rules! I couldn’t find anything on the side bar about what types of posts are allowed. If it does, could someone be kind enough to point me to another place to post this?

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