
joined 2 years ago
[–] ArcticDagger 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Og hvad med alle billeder, beskeder, etc? Det betyder ikke så meget? Eller har du downloadet det hele forinden?

[–] ArcticDagger 3 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Fedt, mange tak for svar! Jeg har også leget med tanken om at bruge nogle begrænsninger, men jeg bliver ved med at lyve for mig selv at jeg sagtens kan styre det

[–] ArcticDagger 2 points 1 week ago (5 children)

Nu lyder du ikke som typen, der bruger din telefon meget, men har du de samme begrænsninger på din egen telefon? Og hvis ikke, hvorfor? Jeg synes egentlig det lyder som om du har en ret fornuftig tilgang til det, så er bare interesseret


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Egg cooks are challenged by the two-phase structure: albumen and yolk require two cooking temperatures. Separation or a compromise temperature to the detriment of food safety or taste preference are the options. In the present article, we find that it is possible to cook albumen and yolk at two temperatures without separation by using periodic boundary conditions in the energy transport problem. Through mathematical modeling and subsequent simulation, we are able to design the novel cooking method, namely periodic cooking. Comparison with established egg cooking procedures through a plethora of characterization techniques, including Sensory Analysis, Texture Profile Analysis and FT-IR spectroscopy, confirms the different cooking extents and the different variations in protein denaturation with the novel approach. The method not only optimizes egg texture and nutrients, but also holds promise for innovative culinary applications and materials treatment.

From the article:

Fig. 1: Simulation of periodic cooking. Results of the simulation of the cooking of an egg with the periodic cooking method: a periodic time-varying BC imposed, b evolution of the thermal profile over time, c evolution of the degree of cooking over time at different distances from the center of the egg and d evolution of the cooking rate over time at different distances from the center of the egg. The distances from the center selected to construct the graphs of figures c and d are identified by the lines in figure b. The precise legend for figures c and d is given only in figure d.



Egg cooks are challenged by the two-phase structure: albumen and yolk require two cooking temperatures. Separation or a compromise temperature to the detriment of food safety or taste preference are the options. In the present article, we find that it is possible to cook albumen and yolk at two temperatures without separation by using periodic boundary conditions in the energy transport problem. Through mathematical modeling and subsequent simulation, we are able to design the novel cooking method, namely periodic cooking. Comparison with established egg cooking procedures through a plethora of characterization techniques, including Sensory Analysis, Texture Profile Analysis and FT-IR spectroscopy, confirms the different cooking extents and the different variations in protein denaturation with the novel approach. The method not only optimizes egg texture and nutrients, but also holds promise for innovative culinary applications and materials treatment.

From the article:

Fig. 1: Simulation of periodic cooking. Results of the simulation of the cooking of an egg with the periodic cooking method: a periodic time-varying BC imposed, b evolution of the thermal profile over time, c evolution of the degree of cooking over time at different distances from the center of the egg and d evolution of the cooking rate over time at different distances from the center of the egg. The distances from the center selected to construct the graphs of figures c and d are identified by the lines in figure b. The precise legend for figures c and d is given only in figure d.

[–] ArcticDagger 2 points 1 week ago

Jeg synes det virker for mig, hvis jeg bare har Samsung Browser tilgængelig på mobilen. Firefox er som default. Mobilepay, f.eks., gør vrøvl, hvis jeg sletter Samsung, men det er aldrig Samsung, der bliver brugt til at åbne links

[–] ArcticDagger 4 points 1 week ago

Jeps, op til tre godkendte enheder

[–] ArcticDagger 3 points 2 weeks ago

Okay, der lidt mere info her:

Det lugter lidt af Reddit, men med mere fokus på communities og mindre på decideret deling af links/billeder

[–] ArcticDagger 3 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Er det en slags alternativ til Reddit? En link-aggregator? Deres about page er lidt tynd :-)

[–] ArcticDagger 2 points 2 weeks ago

Smart. Mange tak!

[–] ArcticDagger 2 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Fedt, mange tak! Af interesse, hvordan har du testet den? Tænker det er smart at gøre i ny og næ for at tjekke om den stadig virker

[–] ArcticDagger 5 points 2 weeks ago (10 children)

Ift. til at udbyde flere services:

Jeg kunne godt have nogle betænkeligheder ved stabiliteten på den lange bane. Lige pt er det kun dig, SorteKanin, der står for admin arbejdet (og det skal der lyde en kæmpe tak for). Det bliver ikke nemmere med flere services. Omend der måske er tid til det pt, så kan den arbejdsbyrde være for høj om 2-5-10 år og hvad så? Det er bestemt ikke et uløseligt problem, men jeg vil så nødig, at du brænder ud. Jeg synes du driver sitet misundelsesværdigt godt - både stabilitet, transparens, værdier og moderationsarbejde.

Når det så er sagt så er præmissen for denne betænkelighed jo, at skal bestå på den lange bane og det er ikke nødvendigvis givet. Der kan jo også sagtens være noget skønt i at have et fællesskab i 10 år og så sige "det var dét". Det har så været 10 skønne år :-)

Et lignende problem kunne være storage. Som jeg forstår det er det et stigende problem på Lemmy, der hurtigt(?) kan stikke af med mange brugere. Det bliver vel yderligere forværret af flere services

Bare nogle strøtanker

[–] ArcticDagger 13 points 3 weeks ago

Fra artiklen:

Men nu er der altså ved at ske en slags bruger exodus. Flere søger blandt ly hos det sociale medie Pixelfed, der på mange måder ligner en ti år gammel version af Instagram.

Forskellen er, at Pixelfed opererer med en såkaldt decentraliseret arkitektur. Det vil sige, at brugerdata ikke bliver gemt på en central server, men hver Pixelfed-profil i stedet er sin egen uafhængige enhed. Derfor er algoritmen også kun betinget af brugerens egen aktivitet. Og så er appen desuden reklamefri.

Det er da lidt vildt, at vi er nået til et punkt, hvor der bliver snakket om decentraliserede sociale medier på et så ikke-teknisk medie som Soundvenue. Må fremtiden bringe liv og glade dage :-)

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by ArcticDagger to c/nyheder
Erfaringer med CO-målere? (self.spoergsmaal_og_svar)

Nogle, der har erfaring med målere af CO (kulmonooxid)? I så fald, er der nogle, der kan anbefales? Vil godt have erhvervet mig en


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From the article:

Risky play is associated with greater resilience, self-confidence, problem-solving and social skills such as cooperation, negotiation and empathy, according to studies by Sandseter and others. When a study in Leuven, Belgium, gave four- and six-year-olds just two hours a week of opportunities for risky play over the course of three months, their risk-assessment skills improved compared with those of children in a control group2. In this study, the risky play took place at school, in a gym class and in the classroom.


From the article:

Risky play is associated with greater resilience, self-confidence, problem-solving and social skills such as cooperation, negotiation and empathy, according to studies by Sandseter and others. When a study in Leuven, Belgium, gave four- and six-year-olds just two hours a week of opportunities for risky play over the course of three months, their risk-assessment skills improved compared with those of children in a control group2. In this study, the risky play took place at school, in a gym class and in the classroom.


cross-posted from:


The disparity in environmental impacts across different countries has been widely acknowledged1,2. However, ascertaining the specific responsibility within the complex interactions of economies and consumption groups remains a challenging endeavour3,4,5. Here, using an expenditure database that includes up to 201 consumption groups across 168 countries, we investigate the distribution of 6 environmental footprint indicators and assess the impact of specific consumption expenditures on planetary boundary transgressions. We show that 31–67% and 51–91% of the planetary boundary breaching responsibility could be attributed to the global top 10% and top 20% of consumers, respectively, from both developed and developing countries. By following an effective mitigation pathway, the global top 20% of consumers could adopt the consumption levels and patterns that have the lowest environmental impacts within their quintile, yielding a reduction of 25–53% in environmental pressure. In this scenario, actions focused solely on the food and services sectors would reduce environmental pressure enough to bring land-system change and biosphere integrity back within their respective planetary boundaries. Our study highlights the critical need to focus on high-expenditure consumers for effectively addressing planetary boundary transgressions.

From the paper - definition of the top global consumers:

The global 10th percentile level of final demand is about US$27,000 per year, equivalent to the European average in 2017. The global 20th percentile level is about US$12,000 per year, comparable to the threshold of high-income countries defined by the United Nations in 2017.



The disparity in environmental impacts across different countries has been widely acknowledged1,2. However, ascertaining the specific responsibility within the complex interactions of economies and consumption groups remains a challenging endeavour3,4,5. Here, using an expenditure database that includes up to 201 consumption groups across 168 countries, we investigate the distribution of 6 environmental footprint indicators and assess the impact of specific consumption expenditures on planetary boundary transgressions. We show that 31–67% and 51–91% of the planetary boundary breaching responsibility could be attributed to the global top 10% and top 20% of consumers, respectively, from both developed and developing countries. By following an effective mitigation pathway, the global top 20% of consumers could adopt the consumption levels and patterns that have the lowest environmental impacts within their quintile, yielding a reduction of 25–53% in environmental pressure. In this scenario, actions focused solely on the food and services sectors would reduce environmental pressure enough to bring land-system change and biosphere integrity back within their respective planetary boundaries. Our study highlights the critical need to focus on high-expenditure consumers for effectively addressing planetary boundary transgressions.

From the paper - definition of the top global consumers:

The global 10th percentile level of final demand is about US$27,000 per year, equivalent to the European average in 2017. The global 20th percentile level is about US$12,000 per year, comparable to the threshold of high-income countries defined by the United Nations in 2017.

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