You can offload them into ram. The response time gets way slower once this happens, but you can do it. I've run a 70b llama model on my 3060 12gb at 2 bit quantisation (I do have plenty of ram so no offloading from ram to disk at least lmao). It took like 6-7 minutes to generate replies but it did work.
An external cartridge processing and providing battery power seems like a much better idea than the current solution of wearing the computer on your face. A small shoulder strapped device weighing a few hundred grams with a headset with more of a BSB sort of profile would be ideal for me.
I'm glad to see Apple experimenting with some ideas like this, not so much because I want an Apple headset, but because if it turns out to be a popular idea others will jump on board.
Well this is rather ironic. I'm thinking of the Opium Wars back in the day.
So far Trump is all talk, of course he hasn't yet been sworn in, but until the invasions he threatens about become real he is not worse than Putin.
Here's hoping he's all bark and no bite.
It seems like it carries some of the same DNA as the recent Metro vr game based just on this review: repetitive corridor shooter with horror elements. I might pick it up after I finish up with Metro since I think horror is a genre that vr truly elevates - even if it is so damn stressful to actually play them haha.
Didn't some early 3d pc games have this effect as well? I vaguely remember the wobbliness from the first Quake (or was it unreal? Can't remember).
Thankfully there is often a pretty big difference between studying and working.
I found there to be a level of stress in my studies that I never had a problem with later. An idea that any moment not spent pouring over books was contributing, at least in my mind, to inevitable failure; doubly so with exams looming ahead.
For me finishing my engineering degree was such a massive relief and work is so much better. I'm in anon's boat.
Yeah it is kind of dumb that you can turn from being non-profit to for-profit if it turns out you've struck gold. Cheapens the value of non-profits everywhere if they can turn that around whenever they feel like it.
In Skyrim the main quest constantly tells you about how urgent it is for you to do the next steps. You must heed the summoning of the greybeards, you must hurry along to the dragon graveyard. Time is constantly of the essence.
And then every other part of the game encourages you to goof around.
Oblivion is the same with this. Morrowind went the opposite direction with the story at times pretty much telling you to goof around for a bit before continuing the main quest (probably because people were less used to open world games maybe?).
I think daggerfall had you on actual timers so if you weren't at the correct locations in time the game would be impossible to complete. Which sure is a way to resolve the false sense of urgency lmao.
And call of duty takes 100 of those xD