And I thought I had a hard time with 7!
joined 2 years ago
Fellow Eurobros, I know it's unlikely, but if it came to this which front would you rather fight at?
Made me laugh
This is a great idea & an elegant solution to using/playing the small mountain of CDs I have. Thanks for the idea 💡🥳🍻
wHaT aBoUt wHen iTs NoT WinDy!!??!?!?
"You can check out any time you like... But you can never leeeave."
I believe it is true. The extras were told they wouldn't get paid if they laughed. I love when he swings his toga around and gets in that guards face - "how 'bout you centurion? Do you find it risible to laugh when I say the naaaame..."
God is in all of us. God does not want this. Therefore: rape.
Thank you. I'm so sick of people jumping on 'oh language changes over time' when others are just using words wrong.
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This must be one of the most knob pics of this guy I have seen to date.