No, it goes x y z æ ø å
And å is river
No, it goes x y z æ ø å
And å is river
When he carries it away afterwards, is that sex trafficking?
Maybe you could arrange trips? Like a cruise where you meet up in the UK, piss on Thatcher's grave, figure out where Bin Laden was dropped off in the ocean and empty the ships septic tanks there before proceeding to Mar-a-lago... Or whatever golf course Eric sticks the old man in to qualify it for tax exemption.
Theres been several incidences worldwide of people driving cars into crowds of people and I dont want to get accused of domestic terrorism or have to beat a bunch of public endangerment charges in court.
OK, that's true, I hadn't considered that part of it. But as I said it was a quite fast idea.
Your comment is the fifth from the top in my view. And I had already decided to crash a car without airbags into the sign. Why wait for the wee hours? Just do it®
To me it's not just "an empty sink", that's two empty sinks!
And the basis for setting up arbitrary rules for what each sink is for. Rules that nobody else cares to understand, but I will still try to enforce... Let's just say that I get to load the dishwasher by my self.
Fly lady! That term is the only thing that stuck in our home.
Why are you using dating websites on work computers?
Aren't both Israelis and Palestinians part of the group known as Semitic people?
Update: nu har jeg så læst de første linier af artiklen. Og det viser sig at man taler om, hvad man skal gøre når krigen er ovre. Jeg har rettet mit indlæg til efter dette.
Det var da det mest ~~urealistiske~~ irrelevante stykke forsvarspolitik jeg nogensinde har hørt om.
At det er "fredsbevarende" indikerer at der er en fred af bevare. Det er der først når russerne har trukket sig ud, og der sker først når de ikke kan kæmpe mere.
Sender vi (EU eller NATO) styrker til Ukraine, særligt inden russerne er driblet af, så vil de enten skulle operere med nogle surrealistiske rules of engagement, eller der vil komme træfninger med russiske styrker - og så har vi krigen.
Når det kommer til DK, hvad skulle vi så overhovedet sende? Det danske forsvar er kørt i bund. Ca 30% af stillingerne i forsvaret er ubesatte og det udstyr vi har er til grin. I det mindste røg 7års-Lentfer på porten, men de skader Hækkerup, Bramsen og Bisserup lavede, dem er vi ikke over.
Which cars should we get? There's basically two manufacturers marketed in Denmark: Ford and Tesla. For reasons I fail to understand Ford is actually selling OK here, but Tesla ... let me put it this way, last week a major news site in Denmark ran a story about how people wanted EVs but not Teslas or Chinese cars.
As a Dane, I can attest that the suggested activity is already among the most popular of Swedish pastimes.