Look through the thread and you will see people showing their work and coming up with similar numbers. 40% was a rough estimate off the top of my head. Figures from a recent paystub of mine: gross income of $2700.80, net income of $1774.41. My deductions are more than just taxes, but regardless that is an effective reduction in pay of %35.31. This is a real life figure that the others may be similarly subjected to, as opposed to the numbers you get out of a calculator.
joined 2 years ago
100 hours of work if the money is tax free (it's not). Taxes take about 40% of your gross income so on $23/hr hr can't afford the listed bills.
The Alpha Industries MA-1 jacket is the best jacket I've bought. It's very waterproof but kind of heavy. It's at the higher end of your budget but Alpha is worth checking out.
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Why is this news?
Nobody is "uncomfortable." Just unamused. Some people just want to look at memes and be amused. Politics are not fun.
In this case dissemination would be a third party posting the video without her consent. "Tipping off" someone about that information is equivalent to sharing a video found online.
It's actually $5769.23/hr
Spelunky 2 is fun
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I think you're confusing Gwynevere with Gwyndolin, a male raised as a female. I don't think there's any indication Gwynevere is male.