Bottom where everything else should be as well for any other apps since it’s much easier to use, since like everyone has said phones are getting huge these days.
joined 2 years ago
If you use Voyager (which is legit a Apollo clone) it has the removal of gestures.
Yes 100% no matter the keyboard I use swype typing (and heck even regular typing) ha sntoigsbly gotten worse as the years/time goes by and I don't get it. You'd think they'd get better.
This is on iOS and Android. (iOS swype by far is dog shit, the worst of the bunch)
Sync is now out in beta in case you didn't know. Launched today.
No one really knows but I'd imagine the bigger ones the you see now like world ml kbin and others would stick around.
Ya still down for me. Even says my account doesn't even exist.
I guess it would be nice haha but ya good ole auto correct.
I also can’t seem to spell either on my first ever post 😩
Good bot