Summer of 69 tons of fat and greasy rags
Baths are the best. I've taken one almost every night for many years, and bath snacks are a good combination.
I didn't think anyone else knew about Menara. It's so good, and no other game has made me laugh that hard.
I really enjoy the multi-use card mechanic in The Bloody Inn amongst plenty other games. Each card can possibly used in 4 or more different ways; You just have to choose how you want to use them.
Just make sure to also raid the White House. Then you'll get a pardon.
I did that yesterday and my partner was like lolwut. Turned out fine.
I hope it was a perfect phone call.
I stopped giving holiday gifts for people many years ago and feel great about it. My partner and I don't do it either. For me the only thing it did was cause me stress. If people give you grief for it, then question them why they would want you to have to do something that would make you feel bad. Someone who loves and respects you should not want you to go through that. Like other people said, if you need to give your roommates something give cash. Then they can actually get what they want.
In a recent Astrum video the host was talking about the state of the Earth in the upcoming millions of years. The Earth's crust is always reshaping. We just don't see it because our time here is so short. After we as humans are gone every thing we've done as a civilisation will be covered over under layers of new crust. Buildings will fall, the toxic mess will be settled, some life will continue after us, and new forms of life may arise. Thinking in that grander scale, nothing we do really matters. All we can do is try to not be shitty assholes within the ocean of shitty assholes around us. We'll all end up under a compacted layer of new Earth crust and eventually be swallowed up by our own sun. And that thought makes me feel calm.