Being able to see a list of all the communities of an instance, without having to actually go to that instance.
Then being able to add whichever community from there with a simple button click.
E.g. I'm on, I can go to to see all the local communities. Now I'd like to go to or similar, to see a complete list of's instances. Then, when I click "subscribe" next to e.g. "Comics" there, the community should be added to if it isn't already and subscribe me that way.
Also links to communities should automatically be changed to local links. would become If it doesn't already exist on the local instance, clicking on it should not display a 404, but a message that it is being added and available soon.
It's a pain in the ass to go to each instance, copy the URL of each community and then pasting it to the search of my local one. Then wait for it to be indexed and finally being able to subscribe.
Unless there is some kind of cooldown time (but even then), mods will constantly change...
Group A votes Mod B off and places Mod A there. Group B doesn't like that and votes Mod A off and places Mod B (or a similar) back.
The longer that goes on, the more users (and even Mods) will get annoyed and leave that sub. There will probably the be originalsub, splitsubA, splitsubB. All of these subs will be weaker than the originalsub was before.
So basically the same what we see in current politics. Instead of finding a solution together, it just creates larger gaps between the members.
It feels less like democracy but more like temporary dictatorship that oscillates between opinions.
A better solution would be to have multiple mods with different opinions finding consensus together. But that's easier said than done...