
joined 2 years ago
[–] 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Been reading For Whom The Belle Tolls (2024) by Jaysea Lynn. I am positively surprised by this book. Easily a five star book based on the first 25% I have read so far.

It's a story about Lily who dies and ends up in Afterlife as a soul, like everyone else does. As it turns out, Heaven, Hell, deities of Greek mythology, Valhalla, and all the religions you know and don't know, are real and they all co-exists in Afterlife. I quite like the humor and the rich and imaginative world the author has created.

[–] 38 points 1 month ago (2 children)

There is 3000 minutes in 50h. You need

  • 2220 AIs if you have Intel GPU
  • 5670 AIs if you have AMD GPU
  • 4470 AIs if you have NVidia GPU
[–] 11 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Not to mention the increase in medical costs. Cutting people in half is probably pretty difficult and costly procedure, and the halves would probably need pretty intense care to keep them alive.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

That's pretty much what their lawyer said. The lawyer said that oil tanker only cares about getting their cargo from point a to point b as quickly as possible, and that they would have no intention of losing their anchor.

[–] 8 points 1 month ago (3 children)

It has been reported that two of the data cables were severed and the other two damaged. And the dragging track might be up to 100 km long.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

The plane belly landed and slid on the runway. If there were enough flat ground for the plane to come to a stop, the passengers would have been more or less fine (assuming the plane wouldn't have caught on fire). Instead, the plane turned into a fireball immediately it hit the wall. Of course, there were other obstacles behind the runway which the plane might have hit, but the plane would have also lost some speed before hitting them.

[–] 10 points 1 month ago (2 children)

The plane didn't hit a concrete fence. Right after the runway there was a strong concrete block that housed some antennas. Those antennas didn't need such reinforced structure. This accident would have been much less severe, if that concrete block weren't there.

[–] 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Well, english is not my first language, but according to Google (they get their word meanings from Oxford) "confirm" means "establish the truth or correctness of (something previously believed or suspected to be the case)." Perhaps in this specific situation "confirm" has different meaning?

Also, there is a lot wrong how science is communicated in popular media. Taking singular study, coming up with sensational (and incorrect) title and making statements that aren't in line with the study is not the way how science should be communicated. Even if there are multiple news outlets writing numerous such articles doesn't make it right, correct or even acceptable.

[–] 13 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (8 children)

new study confirms

No it doesn't. Their conclusion is "This study strengthens the evidence that active commuting has population-level health benefits and can contribute to reduced morbidity and mortality."

[–] 37 points 2 months ago (2 children)

If you can still separate the pieces: Take some big enough flat surface (has to be very flat) and cover it with sandpaper. Sand the pieces until they are completely flat. They will then connect without any gap in between.

[–] 1 points 3 months ago

Channel width is a router setting so it affects everyone who connects to that router. With 40 MHz channel width the maximum connection speed of 5 GHz network is between 150 and 300 Mbps, depending on which Wi-Fi version the router and devices support. If your internet connection happens to be 100 Mbps, it wouldn’t benefit having a faster Wi-Fi connection. Except that the connection quality affects the connection speed, so that 150 Mbps might be less than 100 Mbps if the device is far from the router or the connection is bad for some other reason. The connection speed is important only when downloading or uploading big files. For typical web browsing, video streaming and gaming the connection speed of few tens of Mbps is sufficient. DNS resolving speed for web browsing and ping for gaming are much more important than connection speed.

There’s probably no need to set the 5 GHz channel width to lower than 40 MHz unless the 5 GHz band is really crowded around you. 2.4 GHz should ~~almost~~ always be set to 20 MHz if there are other Wi-Fi networks.

[–] 10 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Stupid Differently. Apple’s new slogan.


Some quotes from the article:

For Control 2 and codename Condor, all publishing, distribution, marketing, and other rights licensed to 505 Games revert to Remedy with immediate effect. 505 Games will continue as the publisher of Control through a transition period ending December 31, 2024

The maximum purchase price for the transaction is approximately EUR 17 million

This transaction will enable us to negotiate better deals for current and future Control games. We can now weigh up the options between self-publishing and a new publishing partner for Condor and Control 2. At the same time, we are in a better negotiating position than before as Control is an established brand and Alan Wake 2 has been successful.

Control [...] has sold over 4 million units

Condor and Control 2 have both progressed well in recent months and we expect these projects to reach their next development stages during the first half of 2024.

*Condor is the codename for a co-op multiplayer Control game.


Amazon updated the browser in Kindle e-readers with software version 5.16.4 last November. Check the Kindle E-Reader Software Updates page to see if your device has that version available.

Previously, the browser was almost useless, because it didn't support many of the features websites use nowadays. The new update significantly improves the browser, and it actually manages to display most pages correctly. Unfortunately, Kindles' hardware is quite lacking. Paperwhite 11th gen is so slow that while webpages work correctly, many of them are unusable because of the poor performance.

Has anyone tried the new version of the web browser yet? Have you found any websites that you like using on your Kindle? I tried Lemmy, but of course that's one of the websites that doesn't work. There are no errors, it just doesn't show any posts.

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