Das Foto hat dezente Grinch Vibes.
joined 2 years ago
Is this…. a new lemmy challenge??
I’ll do it on 1st July. But first I have to delete all my comments. Takes some time.
I love them too. I also have 6 varieties. But all of them hybrids and beginner friendly. A hamata would be very cool to have in my collection but I’m scared that I would kill her. That’s why I still don’t have my favorite plant ampullaria “black miracle”. :(
Nachtrag: Über den Browser funktioniert es. Über die App scheinbar nicht.
Interessanterweise taucht bei mir in der Suche auch nur der Post auf, nicht aber die Community.
Update after update…You’re so fast! Thank you!
Mag sein, ändert trotzdem nichts an der Tatsache, dass das Foto mich an den Grinch erinnert.