It’s amazing you’re all only just figuring this out now
Ya you’re right. Statistically most people never bothered to vote, which makes them complicit and worse than actual Trump voters.
Yall can pretend to be innocent bystanders. Instead I think you’re a big piece of the problem. Maybe if you actually voted we wouldn’t have Trump.
Nintendo is such trash now a days. What a shame.
Only two of them are wearing baseball caps. One of them is wearing a beanie. Sounds like you’re referring to more than there clothes otherwise you’re not even making sense.
Took them long enough. Many would argue they were dumb to expect anything from a 40 year old qb.
He is fast but lacks balls. He’s too afraid to be champ
So glad I am not a coffee drinker.
Yall look like crack addicts to me.
Ya end game is pretty boring
How dare you have fun!
What the fuck is happening