I dont wanna remember shit anyway
Audio quality was terrible, i saw a clip online later that was much clearer on audio
Id argue by this criteria, most politicians can be deemed domestic terrorists. Musk is certainly more brazenly active in that arena
This shit is just the preamble to fallout
This advice may be evergreen
"Why not ask when you're going to rent: 'Are you involved with RealPage or one of these companies that sets rents?'"
Because in many cases, I don't have another choice in the market. Hard to hold out for better prices when the other option is homelessness
I know its not gonna happen, but I believe the majority of the the republican party officials should be sent to jail and the party banned
I think "Lemmy Ask" works a bit better, for brevity
Best of both worlds, but you found a way to elevate it
This is super cute! Looks like you really enjoyed yourself
Huh? Put what in writing? I'm eating smoked ham