
joined 2 years ago
[–] 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Also who TF sits down to a big bowl of coleslaw? Its a side dish. You pair it with shit.

Julienne apple slaw and spicy pulled pork.

Candied pinapple slaw and jerk chicken.

Elevate your cullinary game folks.

[–] 6 points 1 year ago

In Australia the limit is 4 per year before you have to apply for a motor vehicle traders licence, but thats per person. The official paperwork on a few of mine may or may not have have had my flatmates details.

Im curious as to how they figure out the difference between title flipping and just some guy selling a car.

[–] 35 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I flipped cars for a few years. Im a pretty good diy mechanic.

The amount of people who cant be bothered scraping off stickers, and giving a car a good detail astounds me. Take the car home, wash it thoroughly, detail the engine bay and interior, and if you have the skills change the oil, air filter and coolant. Those were usually good for a few hundred per flip but the bar to entry is low, anyone can do that.

Also buying cars with 4 steel wheels with bald tyres and finding a set of cheap alloy wheels with good tyres that someone was flogging off were also a good flip if you could find the wheels and tyres cheap and negotiate the car down. "Mate a set of tyres is $600" when you can find a legal set on nicer wheels for $200.

The best ones were nice cars with 1 big problem, "needs a new clutch" or "blown head gasket" made a few grand off those usually because I could spend as long as I needed to to do the job on the cheap by myself.

[–] 17 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Its a $10,000 fine if you get caught de-catting a car.

Also we have the whole defect notice system, which I'm pretty sure the US doesnt have. We actually hold the end user accountable.

[–] 13 points 1 year ago (25 children)

Damn near every aftermarket automotive part I have ever bought contains some variation of the "This is not intended for use on street vehicles, offroad and race use only" somewhere in the description.

I can cut out my cat and weld in a piece of 2 inch pipe and I just created an emissions defeat device... I can fit an oil catch can, if I plug the breather tube back into the intake its legal, if I vent to atmosphere its not.

I mean, people who "roll coal" have no sympathy from me but this case is nowhere near as cut and dried as a lot of people think.

[–] 3 points 2 years ago

And then a shitload of contractors to repair the 1000 bullet holes in your house due to the massive overkill of shooting roaches.

Nice accuracy tho.

[–] 4 points 2 years ago

Yeah, I'm just smaht enough to know I'm too dumb for that much responsibility.

[–] 2 points 2 years ago

While I do agree, Id say the counterpoint would be that putting Terren out front when all this happened under Linus's watch could have come across as disingenuous.

"Heres our new lightning rod, yell at him" sort of thing. I very much think they are in a no win scenario with most of this.

[–] 2 points 2 years ago

I'm willing to work my ass off under pressure and make mad bank, I'm also willing to do a fair days work for an industry standard fair wage. I am not willing to work my ass off under pressure for an industry standard fair wage, or even a good industry wage. It had better be fucking bank.

I think a lot of them could go elsewhere, make more and do less, but I think some people just thrive in that kind of environment. I'm one of them, I hate when its slow at work. But also sometimes... every few months we catch a few dull weeks and NGL as much as I hate it, I need it.

[–] 38 points 2 years ago (3 children)

The whole "Trust me bro" thing comes from when they released their backpacks. They had issues with some of the zippers and people wanted to know what the warranty was. Linus said they didnt explicitly have one but that he would look after anyone with issues. When people got a bit rightly pissed about this, he got a bit defensive. "Trust me bro" sprung up as a meme out of that whole saga.

[–] 82 points 2 years ago (22 children)

I honestly believe that Linus is a well intentioned dumbass. He likes his people and believes that everyone can just get along and that nobody would harass another employee seriously. He knows that the mistakes are just honest mistakes which is why he gets so defensive, take the whole "trust me bro" thing... I think it never occurred to him to fuck his customers over which is why he didnt handle it well.

He doesnt believe his employees need a union because I dont know about you but if I owned a company Id hope that my people felt looked after well enough that they didnt feel like they needed one either.

But that kind of attitude just doesnt work with so damn many people, he should have hired a full time HR manager YEARS ago, as well as the company lawyer on staff. He SHOULD NOT be doing the WAN show, or if he does it should be on a 5 minute tape delay with someone from legal and hr present.

The reason why so much bullshit corporate structure exists is to largely protect the company from itself.

[–] 25 points 2 years ago (2 children)

Linus is the founder, his name is on the buildings, he was CEO at the time of all this shit, he is the cheif on camera personality and he is the majority shareholder. Of course he would be in the video.

Hiring Terren was the smartest thing he could have done, he probably should have gotten someone who understands this shit onboard a long time ago. Even if they were subordinate to him.

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