Jonah Hill. Or Josh Gad. Or Daniel Day-Lewis comes out of retirement and acts the fuck out of a fat 30-year-old man-child crypto scammer.
Being incredibly guilty and having a jury that's going to have to come back next week if they don't finish by 8pm is a dangerous mix.
Me fail English? That's unpossible!
Second worst McCarthy in the history of Congress
I think the judge gives him an extremely stern last-chance warning tomorrow and if he does it again, he gets cited for contempt. Doesn't have to be much, chuck him in a private cell in the Manhattan Detention Center for 1 night with Secret Service outside the door, but it seriously hurts the rule of law to have him able to get away with this sort of crap with no consequences.
There's legitimately not enough space for everyone to bring a carry-on, especially on smaller planes; until that changes, carry-on fees are as good a way to allocate that space as any.
This is great + well-deserved, plus it has the side benefit of making some of the world's worst people really, really mad.
I almost planned a trip to DC with the kids for Columbus Day, glad I didn't.
(probably not a good idea to plan to fly anywhere in October, actually - possibly November too)
Vonnegut wasn't a Too Good For This recluse like Pynchon or Salinger or whoever, and the content of his books made him fairly well insulated against charges of being a sellout; they probably offered him a bunch of money and he shrugged and said sure.
The tourist-y parts of it are pretty much all newly rebuilt anyway; there's not much of the original wall left at Mutianyu or Simatai or wherever.
I don’t believe in hell, but if I did Reagan would be enjoying a golden shower there for the rest of eternity.