Appreciate hearing some positive news for once!
Also, on iOS I am having trouble scrolling at all on the page. Had to open up the Reader View to view the article.
Appreciate hearing some positive news for once!
Also, on iOS I am having trouble scrolling at all on the page. Had to open up the Reader View to view the article.
I would definitely buy that. I usually keep my game volumes on low and click through the dialogue because I already read the subtitle, why wait around to finish having the line delivered verbally? (Interestingly enough I’ve never ever thought “hurry up, speak faster” in an in real life conversation, this impatience only exists in video games.) Because of the value of voice acting, but for me personally voice acting is just not a priority.
While there’s a need for fighting injustice, for stopping other people from tearing queer people down, there’s also a need for lifting them up. And although big things like trying to make a blockbuster hit movie that focuses on queer perspectives or making a website that hosts resources to learn about LGBTQ+ people and issues (both for LGBTQ+ themselves and allies!) are important, so are smaller day-to-day things. Especially when we’re not all webmasters who work in the movie industry.
I especially appreciate the time you spent typing out this response!
I am a little confused about one part.
The balance is finding ways to engage in your local community. Work or volunteer at the library or a non-profit performing arts center, get involved in the bills that are being proposed for your city and fight for them if they’re worth it and fight against them if they’re not. Change starts locally. We may be inspired to hear about the people of Hong Kong, but if we don’t actually do anything about our local problems then why are we cheering them on? Oh good, at least someone somewhere is doing something? Do your schools have funding for arts? Mine do not, so if kinds want to learn music or theater they have to do it as an extracurricular. These places are normally non-profit, heavily volunteer sponsored and are chronically understaffed. If you don’t like kids, senior facilities, hell the entire caregiving field if you don’t like old people either!
I feel the bolded part was leading into something, maybe another thought. As it stands, it’s placed right after a way to help that involves children, far away from the sentences near the start of the paragraph that are ways to help that are less connected to children and the elderly (get involved with local politics, volunteer at/support the library and nonprofit performing arts). So I’m confused about what you’re trying to say with that bolded sentence. Would you mind elaborating?
This entire thread is already full of ways other people have managed the balance. I have not found a way yet but others here clearly have, and reading their experiences could probably help you find a balance yourself.
As an asexual who’s only visited a porn site once to see what all the fuss was about before I knew I was asexual…
Porn sites have NEWS!?
I never understood the point behind “get them help” harassment. Not sure how getting links to suicide hotlines that I do not need and the like is supposed to hurt me. The only hurtful part is knowing that the other person did it with the intention of bothering you. Glad to know that people take this route though, instead of actually upsetting things like gorespam.
Just realized. Did the owls on r/SuperbOwl get lots of comments? If not, many upvotes with little discussion should probably just be expected for that kind of post.
I followed cute animal subs on Reddit but it totally slipped my mind about how often people would comment. I just looked, upvoted (after all, cute animals are on topic in a cute animal sub), and moved on.
I remember SuperbOwl! Unfortunately I don’t have owl pictures to contribute or anything intelligent to say about owls.
I’m using a different account to grow the community. Because I’m one of a few posters there and I’d rather not make life easier for potential doxxers, I’d rather not give out the community name. Don’t want to link two different accounts together as owned by the same person.
In case anyone's looking at this 3 months later, I finally got down to getting an RSS Feed Reader and downloaded NetNewsWire on my iPhone.