I always find it hilarious when I want to upgrade a bow or something and the game expects me to use like hundreds of wooden logs, metal ingots and other random shit. It just makes no sense at all. This was even worse in AC Valhalla where you run around in 9th century England and craft gear out of tungsten and titanium for some reason.
::: Brittle Hollow spoiler Realizing that Brittle Hollow crumbling actually results in you being able to uncover more mysteries. I always tried to find some solution before it collapsed and frenetically search for a solution that didn't even exist at the time. The simplicity of just waiting didn't even cross my mind for so long. :::
These were my impressions as well. I forced myself to finish the first palace(?) but it just felt so tedious. And when after like 15 hours they introduce yet another facet of gameplay and throw another tutorial at you it really does interrupt and sense of immersion for me. Only being able to do like 3 or 4 things a day felt kind of silly as well. I wanted to explore some of the characters more but having to go to sleep and sit through some random stuff in between anything actually interesting was just exhausting.
Mass Effect has banger tracks pretty much throughout the entire trilogy. I also quite often go back to the Bastion soundtrack. The tracks are great on their own already but how they used the songs within the game was brilliant.
I also want to mention the Gothic soundtrack because I get nostalgic every time I hear it. The main theme just transports me back into that world instantly. Even though it's been like 10 years since I last played these games.
Registrierung ging echt beeindruckend schnell. Hätte eher mit 24 Stunden oder so gerechnet, aber das war nach 5 MInuten durch.
Ich muss mich noch etwas mit der ganzen Navigation vertraut machen, aber bisher läuft alles erstaunlich geschmeidig. Ich werde wahrscheinlich Reddit noch nicht von jetzt auf gleich komplett fallen lassen, weil einige der kleineren Communities doch noch etwas Zeit brauchen werden im Fediverse tatsächlich aktiv zu werden. Ich werde aber definitv weniger auf Reddit aktiv teilnehmen und hauptsächlich hier meine Kommentare schreiben. Es ist ja auch schon auf Reddit so, dass die kleineren Communities sowieso besser zum teilnehmen sind.
Seriously, I learned Firefox supports addons on mobile and suddenly the Internet became useable again on my old smartphone. Ads made browsing for me borderline impossible.