Must have had some really good gloves for batting.
Unfortunate that no wildlife will eat dead horses in Wyoming.
The red flag there in the screenshot shows you the name of the publication you should avoid using or visiting.
Y'all giving him a lot of benefit by thinking he didn't mean and say "grate".
While trying to poop (think pee anxiety with number two instead), it used to ease my mind to read instructions on the bottles found in my childhood bathrooms. I later found that I enjoyed the way rules worked and the emergence of role playing games through reading cover-to-cover The Players Handbook for Advanced Dungeons and Dragons (not while pooping).
Let me guess, they plan to push retirement age to 90 or later? Full retirement age for Social Security starts at 67 (since 1960).
"Dr. Zaius, I presume."
If they like it well enough, they could have offspring on their own.
Pretty good check for path local weather and specific times.
Ringer -- coincidentally also Jeremy Irons.
Unsafe back seat passenger exit starts earlier than that, my 2005 Saturn had a set of horrible doors. I avoided carrying more than one passenger as often as possible.
Probably 'extortion'. What has Ukraine done 'bad (ethically wrong) enough to merit blackmail'?