I think we all forgot about it. I mean, look at the place. It's a mess.
German here. We are 4 to 8 years away from Nazis becoming elected again, at least very likely. I'm looking with horror towards the US and just hope he burns it down so fast that the right shift looses it's current drive in Europe.
"This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by The New York Times"
There is evidence for most mega-fauna going extingt the moment humans expanded to their habitats. Human have been a cancer to this earth long before rich fuckheads decided to start the current speedrun to doom.
We have twins, currently 11 months old. Even we haven't been this degraded after the first 3 months. The first three were more surviving that anything else and to this day are the most challenging period of time I had to get trough in my life. After that it startet getting better. I even shower sometimes now.
Especially pointing to your (in this case non disclosed) genitals.
If you use egg in your pizza you are doing something very different then... Well, almost every place I know that makes pizza.
Binding, texture and loft are achievable without eggs in baked goods in equal quality, without loosing taste. In my experience. If yours is different then he it so. There no way to prove either or is right or wrong anyhow. If this were the real world I'd invite you to come over and taste some cakes, but allas, we'll have to resolt to let's agree to disagree and move on.
So Jesus called gentiles dogs and only healed the daughter after her mother crawled in the dust? Not very loving, which is what OP pointed out. The two added verses don't change that.
Also, he admits here that he is there for the lost Sheep of Israel.
I always find it funny how Christians rally around a guy who called them dogs and made it clear he doesn't care about them, just because a random dude (Paul) had "visions" of Jesus 30 years after his death and from there on pretended that gentiles were part of the ingoup. While contradicting Jesus as well if the church of Jesus actual fucking brother on this very issue.
It's just wild.
David was not a historical figure tough.
I recently watched an older Video by José on the matter. He goes into quite some detail in regards to the gene vs. holder aspect of it.