For me this was the hardest puzzle so far this year. First I did a bunch of things that turned out not to work properly. For example I tried to solve it with a greedy algorithm that always moved horizontally first then vertically, but that ignores the gaps that need to be avoided (what a sneaky requirement) and also somehow doesn't guarantee the shortest sequence.
After reaching part 2 it became clear that a recursive function (with memoization) is needed again, and of course in the end it turned out a lot simpler than what I had cooked up before (you don't want to see that). Now even part 2 takes just 1.6ms.
use euclid::{default::*, point2, vec2};
use rustc_hash::FxHashMap;
use std::iter;
type Move = Option<Vector2D<i32>>;
const KEYPAD_GAP: Point2D<i32> = point2(0, 3);
const DPAD_GAP: Point2D<i32> = point2(0, 0);
fn keypad_pos(n: u8) -> Point2D<i32> {
match n {
b'7' => point2(0, 0),
b'8' => point2(1, 0),
b'9' => point2(2, 0),
b'4' => point2(0, 1),
b'5' => point2(1, 1),
b'6' => point2(2, 1),
b'1' => point2(0, 2),
b'2' => point2(1, 2),
b'3' => point2(2, 2),
b'0' => point2(1, 3),
b'A' => point2(2, 3),
other => panic!("Invalid keypad symbol {other}"),
// `None` is used for A
fn dpad_pos(d: Move) -> Point2D<i32> {
match d {
Some(Vector2D { x: 0, y: -1, .. }) => point2(1, 0),
None => point2(2, 0),
Some(Vector2D { x: -1, y: 0, .. }) => point2(0, 1),
Some(Vector2D { x: 0, y: 1, .. }) => point2(1, 1),
Some(Vector2D { x: 1, y: 0, .. }) => point2(2, 1),
other => panic!("Invalid dpad symbol {other:?}"),
fn moves_for_diff(diff: Vector2D<i32>, pos: Point2D<i32>, gap: Point2D<i32>) -> Vec<Vec<Move>> {
let horizontal = iter::repeat_n(
Some(vec2(diff.x.signum(), 0)),
diff.x.unsigned_abs() as usize,
let vertical = iter::repeat_n(
Some(vec2(0, diff.y.signum())),
diff.y.unsigned_abs() as usize,
if pos + vec2(diff.x, 0) == gap {
// Must not move horizontal first, or we hit the gap
} else if pos + vec2(0, diff.y) == gap {
} else {
// Try both horizontal first and vertical first
fn dpad_sequence_len(
start: Move,
end: Move,
rounds: u32,
cache: &mut FxHashMap<(Move, Move, u32), u64>,
) -> u64 {
if rounds == 0 {
return 1;
if let Some(len) = cache.get(&(start, end, rounds)) {
return *len;
let start_pos = dpad_pos(start);
let end_pos = dpad_pos(end);
let diff = end_pos - start_pos;
let possible_paths = moves_for_diff(diff, start_pos, DPAD_GAP);
let shortest_sequence = possible_paths
.map(|moves| {
.fold((0, None), |(cost, prev), &m| {
(cost + dpad_sequence_len(prev, m, rounds - 1, cache), m)
cache.insert((start, end, rounds), shortest_sequence);
fn keypad_sequence_len(start: u8, end: u8, rounds: u32) -> u64 {
let start_pos = keypad_pos(start);
let end_pos = keypad_pos(end);
let diff = end_pos - start_pos;
let possible_paths = moves_for_diff(diff, start_pos, KEYPAD_GAP);
let mut cache = FxHashMap::default();
.map(|moves| {
.fold((0, None), |(cost, prev), &m| {
(cost + dpad_sequence_len(prev, m, rounds, &mut cache), m)
fn solve(input: &str, rounds: u32) -> u64 {
let mut sum: u64 = 0;
for l in input.lines() {
let mut prev = b'A';
let mut len = 0;
for b in l.bytes() {
len += keypad_sequence_len(prev, b, rounds);
prev = b;
let code_n: u64 = l.strip_suffix('A').unwrap().parse().unwrap();
sum += code_n * len;
fn part1(input: String) {
println!("{}", solve(&input, 2));
fn part2(input: String) {
println!("{}", solve(&input, 25));
Also on github
Nice breather today (still traumatized from the robots). At some point I thought you had to do some magic for predicting special properties of the pseudorandom function, but no, just collect all values, have a big table for all sequences and in the end take the maximum value in that table. Part 1 takes 6.7ms, part 2 19.2ms.
Also on github