Just use the link in the post, chose either option and start the request
Oh i apologize, I'm still getting familiar with Lemmy. Where should I post it instead?
Yep, it's thirty days. The longer it takes btw the more likely that the company hasn't quite operationalized these kind of requests very well.
But like Gmail tho
Sweet, i will look into that
I only know of Microsoft and email from the corporate world and instinctively want to put as much distance as I can between that and myself. How is it working for you?
TLS SNI will take care of that issue just fine, most reverse proxies will just handle it for you especially if you use certbot i.e. usually letsencrypt
That's awesome, reminds me of the bus drivers wearing skirts!
For some cases that doesn't really help. For example if you do a large survey of the sky for transient peak detection you don't have the time to spend multiple lights on a single part of the sky. I'm not sure if the satellite trail removal is helpful for that, but the trails themselves are certainly an issue for sky surveys.
Displaying illegal content from the fediverse is fine?
legal grounds? no, I don't think so