This one kept on giving
This is really funny imo.
We are past the time when green technology needs a boost.
We are now at a time when green tech is the cheapest solution.
So these are all theatre, cause green will be the obvious choice for those who think about the bottom line moving forward.
If we truly do lose our modern comfort, tyrants would be the first thing on the chopping block.
Like how it always is, similar to the French Revolution.
To be fair though, the article is more about people’s trust in air travel given the news, not saying that it’s actually less safe.
I mean they bought lord of the rings rights, imo that was a bigger surprise
3% was just enough for the memes
Bravo scientists for realizing how creepy this is and saying, let’s lean into it.
Many asses touched, so a brotherhood
But to be fair, would you really have anxiety in heaven?
After, I got to gauge how much salt is needed as I eat.
Not gonna lie, Canada Canal sounds dope