
joined 2 years ago
[–] Hang@lemmy.world 63 points 2 years ago

Huh, I was wondering why 10% of our patrons disappeared overnight. It's normal for a drop-off at the start of the month but not normally such a large one

[–] Hang@lemmy.world 4 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Oh the number of times I've burned myself during a nozzle change on my 3D printers, lol.

[–] Hang@lemmy.world 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Have you tried the shower head insert from coffeepilot? My least favorite thing about my moccamaster was the uneven distribution & extraction, that solved most of my issues (I still babysit it and use the flow switch for different parts of the brew cycle) & now it makes a better cup than ever before

[–] Hang@lemmy.world 1 points 2 years ago

I get a certain satisfaction out of putting my neo back in it's case when All's said and done

[–] Hang@lemmy.world 4 points 2 years ago

An old girlfriend was back in town and she wanted to take some pictures of us playing around for her OnlyFans. After we had done the deed she handed me her phone & told me to pick my favorite pictures & send them to myself. Turns out she has a coworker with the same first name as me & I wasn't paying attention due to the afterglow...

[–] Hang@lemmy.world 2 points 2 years ago

I haven't had any problems getting lactose free milk to foam, but I normally use a little beater-whisk-wand-thingy instead of a steam wand or automatic frother, so it's possible the method will impact how well it froths into a nice foam. The next time I break out my De'longhi instead of my Flair I will experiment & compare foam.

[–] Hang@lemmy.world 8 points 2 years ago (2 children)

Califa Farms & Oatly have solid "Barista Edition" oat milks that work well for me. If it's the lactose & not the dairy that's the problem for you, you can try lactose-free milks; e.g. Kroger has their "Carbmaster" milk which is lactose free, there's also Fairlife which works just as well as traditional full-fat milk.

If you are unable to get Barista editions or lactose free milks then your best bet would be the creamiest oat milk you can get your hands on.

[–] Hang@lemmy.world 4 points 2 years ago

A wash & cure station for his resin prints would be a good idea of he doesn't already have one. Mine really stepped my game up & I consider it an incredibly useful utility.

For his Ender I think some utilities like the Mintion Beagle camera or a filament dryer are very useful but also aren't everyone's first thought for an upgrade. Good luck!

[–] Hang@lemmy.world 24 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I've also got a fun one like that from working security!

I was working the solo overnight shift during Christmas break at a factory & noticed a gift-wrapped cylinder sitting in one of the common areas. I picked it up to bring to the lost and found & decided to see if there was a name tag or something. Well, there wasn't a nametag, but there were a few wires poking out that made me realize I was possibly holding a pipe-bomb.

I called 911 while freaking the fuck out and was told to stay calm and very still while they sent someone to save my sorry ass. After about 30 minutes the Michelin Man's blue cousin strides in, asks me a few questions, & decides it would be safe enough to take the Christmas gift from hell outside to deal with.

While the bomb was being taken care of I took a few cops to the security room to download all of the footage from the past few days. Turns out the gift-wrapped grenade was juuuust out of the cameras view & there was no way to tell exactly when it had been left there.

[–] Hang@lemmy.world 4 points 2 years ago (2 children)

I have a handful of printers including an Ender 3v2 and a Creality CR10S4, and my experience with Creality printers is that while they are cheap & usually offer nice features they are lacking in quality control & overall quality of the parts used (though the sprite extruder is a beast). If you are willing to put the time into tinkering with them then you can still make out with a decent printer for less than most comparable manufacturers.

Based on the features you listed I think the Qidi X-Smart 3 might be down your alley. The first few months after release were a shitshow with the firmware but now it's in a really solid place & mine has been quite reliable. It has a smaller build volume than the Ender 5 S1 but can print significantly faster.

If you are willing to expand your budget a bit I've noticed that Bambu Labs has dropped the price of the P1P to $600usd/~$800cad. I don't have any personal experience with Bambu Labs printers & honestly dislike some of the companies practices, but everything I've heard about the P1P & X1C has been fantastic.