Thanks Obama and the EPA. Bring back baby pickups!
I can't think of a switch you won't ever need. I think the "sce to aux" story is a good example of when you need it you need it.
Florida. Where trucks will drive into the median to hit a cyclist.
I think they are saying the surface should be raised so the bike lane is level and the street passes over a speed table. This makes it evident that the street is crossing the bike lane, rather than the bike lane crossing the street. We are talking inches, not tens of feet.
The Woodlands Development north of Houston did this very well in the first phase of development. Bike paths wound through the woods on the backside of property while streets wound through the front. This gave more street facing property while bike travel was typically shorter distances. It was really amazing. It was abandoned for more square property lines and conventional development in later phases.
The motor could turn with the wheel. You could have a wheel-motor without the excessive unsprung weight of the motor components.
It still has corners that need to have a moving seal. This is a huge issue.
It's pretty smart. It is like a wheel-motor but without all the unsprung weight.
They aren't. Light ircraft now use touchscreens that you are supposed to use while bouncing around. They had a knob for a while but then it seemed touchscreens took over. With the knob you still had to look, it at least you didn't have to aim at a bouncing spot on the screen.
Also make them illegal in aircraft! And spacecraft! Seriously stupid.
You can't put 80,000lbs of sprinkler in a van. You can't tow 80,000lbs of sprinkler with a van.