In fairness, some of those people were told they'd be fine not getting it under some of the standard exceptions to vaccines. A few over medical concerns, etc... then that just ended up getting steamrolled. Not to say a bunch weren't just displaying lawful orders, but some weren't.
The importer, not the exporter pays tariffs. Aka Canada pays nothing, things made in Canada have an extra tax attached to them when they cross the boarder into the us, paid by Walmart or whomever ordered the goods
Lol, are you high? Republicans are the ones replicating blood lible but directed against immigrants. They are really he ones calling for and end to transgender ideology (Magnus Hearschfeld institute, look it up) like yeah Dems are little bitches for two stepping when Israel demands, but to say they are following Hitler is stupid when the Repubs are doing it step for step, and the Dems at least sometimes say no.
Gay=/= enby
Check out Pine 64s Lineup
Based on his more recent content, it's almost serious.
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26 is the cutoff atn
They already voted to become a state, it's in Congress hands now
Mostly agree but the Confederate states were more heavily invested in cash crops making slavery a purely economic issue not a good supply issue
The only rationale I've seen consistently is that it's expensive to care for trans people.
I was in and diagnosed with gender dysphoria within about a week of Trump's initial tweet saying he was banning trans people. For about 2 months there it was a bit up in the air whether or not I'd get discharged or not. Ultimately was grandfathered in.
It's not an issue of hormones being available in the field, you can be deployed with a years supply no problem. That said the way the policy worked is you can't start HRT while deployed. (Presumably because of the increased burden of regular blood draws earlier on) If you were seeking to transition you needed the approval of your commanding officer, and that could be denied only if you were deployable and hadn't deployed yet.
There was also the option in there for your CO to basically grant you a year to go to college or something while transitioning to generally make integration smoother, so you wouldn't be stuck dealing with second puberty and regular military service at the same time. Though I have no idea if anyone actually got that. I know at least on person who didn't, or didn't take it anyway.
There's a bunch more nuance, rules, and tricky ways people got fucked over by their commands myself included. But at the end of the day, it really caused basically no problems overall while it was an option. And frankly if you can drag a CPAP machine on deployment trans people are less of a logistical nightmare and shouldn't make the top 10 of medical issues that actually might warrant discharge.