Don't you need a professional to change a gas driven appliance? How did you make sure there wasn't any leakage? 🤔
I mean it is an effective pestizide and when used for its intended purpose it seems to have been rather safe and effective 😅 I doubt they planned for it's miss use when they developed it in the 1920s
The Polandball community on Reddit is really focused on the creators I don't see them moving anywhere soon :(
There actually is a lego community ! but it's very slow with roughly 1 post per week. Certainly doesn't scratch the itch
I think Polandball has never really taken off here, same with Lego :/
Ding Dong 2012 called! They wanted their stale debate back
Ich dachte es get bei Smart Metern darum, dass der Provider die im Fall ein Blackouts irgendwie steuern kann um das Netz nicht zu überlasten 😅
I'm also spitballing but If I remember correctly there likely was an Agent of Sauron in Bywater who saw or heard them. As to why they followed his tip instead of their instinct? Maybe plot armor ooor maybe the call of the ring is less like a ping emanating from one location and more like a smell that leads them in the general direction
Yeah I can totally understand why Jackson simplified it
Well if I remember correctly these corsairs were attacking the strategically important harbour that also housed all non combatants from Minas Tirth. The Harbour had a low garrison because they went to support Minas Tirith, so by scaring them off Aragon got access to their ships and saved the rearguard. Both strategically important in the context of the war
edit: grammar and fatfingered
But the actual artwork is sooo good! Who would have thought that not making yet another portrait of some incest heir to some European noble could be so good??
Also das ist jetzt schon krass vereinfacht.
- Man kann eine gewisse Anzahl von Waggons mit und ohne Reservierung bereitstellen.
- Man kann zwischen Pendler und Fernfahrzügen unterscheiden.
- Man kann mehr Züge bereitstellen.
Das löst alle deine Probleme und bis auf den letzten Punkt wird das entweder schon gemacht oder ist einfach möglich.
Das Problem das die DB halt ist einfach ein Infrastruktur Problem. Das können Reservierungen bzw das Fehlen derer auch nicht lösen 🤷♂️
Sounds like floor heating. Heated Floors don't really feel warm. They just don't feel cold. From the temperature experience you are having, this sounds like the most likely case