Endet der Name dieses Ex KGB Agenten zufällig auf -utin?
Deutscher Minenhandwerk DuRöhrer Herkunftsgeschichte
Caring for your beast is caring for your House. GLORY TO YOU AND YOUR HOUSE!
When the code finally works, the computer issues are fixed, the kitchen is cleaned.
Producing sustinance with great care and sharing your wisdom. A noble undertaking!
I'd like to quote my awsome history teacher here: "People went to the camp on a sunday stroll, looking at the victims as if it were a zoo"
Another great example: A Wehrmacht troop is tasked with pillaging a village. The officers clearly state that this will include killing women and children. They explain that every soldier has the right to refuse to take part in this and will not face any consequences. Out of a hundred less then ten men refuse.
Also, the people from concentration camps were used as forced laborours. They were led through towns like callte in the morning when their shift started, and led back the same route after their shift ended.
People knew what the regime was doing. To varying degrees, surely, but with all the xenophobic propaganda, the burning of books, "entartete Kunst", the deportation of millions of people I find it hard to believe that people were that clueless. Because after all, the NSDAP didn't try to hide it. They wrote it on their banners all proud.
Hey ChatGPT, ich hab das Nomen jetzt ans Satzende gesetzt um es hervorzuheben und die Grußformel geändert. Wirkt es jetzt auch wirklich, wirklich professionell?
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Stayed up past bedtime... FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE
Hello friend. Good bye. Until we shall meet again.
Had it installed via steam, gave it a shot, sadly didn't work. But thanks still :D
You just cannot be in a bad mood watching that scene :D
Ach ja, Rentner und Wahlen. Als ich das erst mal Wählen war, stand ein altes Ehepaar vor einem als Muster ausgehängten Wahlzettel. Der Herr meinte dann zu seiner Frau: "Guck, da ist CDU. Die musst du wählen."
Ich kann nur hoffen, dass sie das gewählt hat, was sie wollte.