
joined 8 months ago
[–] 25 points 1 day ago (2 children)

You can game “now” ? 🤨

Well, you can… in fact you you could also before… but it's technically correct

[–] 3 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

True! My original point though is that just providing a hash for a downloaded file is generally not required. It doesn't provide anything that other layers haven't already (a hash only guarantees integrity, while downloading over HTTPS provides authenticity). Personally, I see them as a relic of the past that made more sense when transmission was less robust (though even back then, a lot of layers provided some sort of error detection and correction), and modern filesystems can detect errors as well.

[–] 13 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Und da wird immer über die faule Jugend gemeckert

[–] 3 points 3 days ago (2 children)

Those must have been really helpful in 1999.

[–] 1 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Smoking became disgusting when the campain against smoking became effective.

Bullshit. My non-smoking parents called smoking disgusting in the 80s and probably before that. It became disgusting when addicts smoked everywhere without consideration for others, like in restaurants or on trains.

So what many people perceive as a disgusting habbit today is the effect of conditioning and propaganda. Smokers also had long lasting relations with non-smokers, now it is unthinkable a smoker and a non-smoker to even go out for a coffee together.

The fuck are you on about? I have no problem doing stuff with smokers and have had nobody ever claiming otherwise. Just don't smoke in a way that affects me.

I am also surprised this discussion has gone so far so long and nobody has mentioned sugar and its bi-products (soft drinks, candy, sweets, ...) Is there such an addiction recognized and known as dangerous?

Nice whataboutism. Btw, as far as I know, the same bodies pushing for regulating smoking and drinking more are also in favor of addressing this issue. And now matter how relevant it might be, your just detailing here.

Type-B diabetes has become common even for kids, especially in the west.

Sorry, I know types 1 and 2 only.

The sweetest thing you will find in China doesn't even taste sweet, and if you offer a middle eastern pastry to a Chinese person they put half a spoon in their mouth and think they are about to die.

Which China?

[–] 10 points 5 days ago (3 children)

WTF. Die allermeisten Kriege der letzten 50 Jahre wurden durch Diplomatie beendet btw. “Immer mehr Waffen” alleine bringt es einfach nicht.

Ja, Diplomatie funktioniert allerdings nur, solange die Gegenseite dazu bereit ist, und Russland in diesem Fall ist es nicht, wenn sie das Gefühl haben, die Gegenseite sei militärisch unterlegen.

[–] 44 points 5 days ago

Mir wäre Grün Linksrot lieber. Die gefühlte Hälfte der SPD-Plakate hier versprechen stabile Renten. Und dann noch mehr Innenministerium nach Fäser? Und einen Bundeskanzler, der sich leider nicht an Details zum größten Steuerbetrug der Geschichte der Republik erinnern kann?

Klar, unironisch besser als Merz. Aber ich sähe die SPD lieber als Juniorpartner der Grünen.

Aber wenn wir es realistisch betrachten, ist RRG das beste Ergebnis. Auch wenn ich weiß, dass es vier schwierige Jahre werden, unabhängig davon, wer gewählt wird.

[–] 3 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Or three, depending on how you count it.

[–] 1 points 5 days ago

Well, people do take Xanax recreationally. If you want to get an impression, read /r/xanax


… remember you're not as useless as this Banana:

[–] 16 points 6 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (2 children)

So are amphetamine, methamphetamine, MDMA, LSD, DXM, heroin,...

See a pattern?

Edit: in case people are wondering, I'm not saying "OMG big pharma is a drug dealer" but rather that a lot of substances have been researched in a pharmaceutical context, and often these were found to have effects beyond their main one. And sometimes, people just self-medicate.

[–] 3 points 6 days ago (1 children)

Not even in Israel, all Jews agree with how things are handled by the government (and I'm well aware that Israel isn't all Jews, but also various Arab ethnicities).

Just because a person is Jewish doesn't mean they need to justify why they oppose the government of Israel. I'm not pressing Christians here either about whether they oppose the actions of the Trump administration which is heavily influenced by evangelicals. But this is unfortunately where Antisemitism kicks in: it's the thinking that Jews are a kind of global cabal, and everyone living in diaspora is a kind of agent. So they're responsible for any bad actions done by Jews anywhere.


Just stumbled upon this in my recommended videos. I didn't create this.


After having a lot of trouble on the previous stake using the deck, this was a breeze (first try back to back after Definitely not flawless, but still good result.

Some facts about the run:

Recently started recording my runs because I thought it's nicer than just screenshots, this turned out to be my best one so far. Sure the hand score is skewed due to Plasma, but hey, I don't make the rules.

No, I'm not expecting anyone to watch this whole thing.


First time actually having a working deck around madness. Was good enough to reach Ante 13.


This is one of the best buffon packs I ever got, and it was the very first one I opened that run… and at that point, neither of them did anything (since it's abandoned deck). Blueprint was still appreciated but I thought it was a fun coincidence that technically, neither of these would help right after selecting.

Finished the run, was low stakes anyways but wanted to share the situation.


Beat gold today on phone (previous time was on PC) after hitting a wall before... and it was on a deck that looked really unimpressive in both cards and jokers so I thought I'd share, kind of a contrast to the screenshots of super sick setups. It was kind of close in points but money was never an issue. I ran delayed gratification first half which synergized with green.

No negative, foil or polychrome jokers, and only a single holographic. Two common, two uncommon, one rare.

It looks really boringly unoptimized, which I think makes it interesting, strangely enough.


Such a lucky run so far (Red Deck Gold difficulty)… Not quite sure yet what to do, probably sell the tarot joker for the blueprint

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by to c/

I just upgraded my NixOS machine after switching to nixos-unstable-small because I think unstable will take some time to update as getting 24.11 out has the highest priority.

Anyhow, two of my packages stopped me from applying a new configuration, as some packages have been changed when reorganizing into pkgs/by-name. I fixed it and wanted to share as this will hit others running unstable with these packages as soon as hydra catches up.

nerdfonts (now nerd-fonts)

Package was renamed, which it will state on evaluation; individual fonts are now part of the nerd-fonts attribute. I had Source Code Pro in there, there was some kind of mapping, which looked kind of like in – the new way is now to just use nerd-fonts.sauce-code-pro directly, you can probably do something like ++ with nerd-fonts; [ sauce-code-pro other-fonts ] to add multiple nerd-fonts to your fonts list, but I haven't tested this.


Until now, cores were specified as in, however override doesn't seem to work anymore. There's now the withCores attribute / function that expects a function that returns a list. The easiest way I found to just specify a fixed list of cores was (retroarch.withCores (_: with libretro; [ snes9x mupen64plus fbneo flycast ])). Maybe other options are easier / cleaner.

Word of warning on compiling nixos-unstable-small

There are currently a lot of packages to be built if you change into that channel (I'm using flakes, but you get my point). Due to the default value of auto for nix.settings.max-jobs, this meant nix tried to build 24 derivations at the same time. This is fine if these are just downloaded from hydra, but if you try to build 24 big derivations at the same time, each trying to use 24 threads because nix.settings.cores is also 0 by default, which means all threads, build processes quickly ate all of my 32GB of RAM so that the OOM killer had to intervene, however often too late with my system dying. I recommend to set nix.settings.max-jobs to something more reasonable before attempting this (I used 1).

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